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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
European Union. European Regional Development Fund ; Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure
Oct 13, 2023
Mar 14, 2014
Costa, Eduarda Marques da Palma, Pedro Rauhut, Daniel Humer, Alois Constantin, Daniela Velasco Echeverria, Xabier
Świątek, Dariusz (1975– ) Komornicki, Tomasz Siłka, Piotr
Schorn, Martina Humer, Alois
Dymén, Christian Essig, Stephanie Ferenc, Mariola Górczyńska, Magdalena Kaucic, Jiannis Konopski, Michał Lange Scherbenske, Stefanie Schuh, Bernd
Smas, Lukas Schmitt, Peter
Bański, Jerzy (1960– ) Ferenc, Mariola
Breuer, Ina Marie Milbert, Antonia
Cotella, Giancarlo