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1. Aalbers M, 2004, Creative destruction through the Anglo-American hegemony: a non-Anglo-American view on publications, referees and language, Area, 36, 3, s. 319–322. -
2. Anderson J., O’Dowd L., Wilson T. M. (eds.), 2001, Cross-Border Co-operation, Special Issue ofAdministration 49(2).
3. Anderson J., O’Dowd L., Wilson T. M. (eds), 2003, New Borders for a Changing Europe: CrossborderCooperation and Governance, London: Frank Cass.
4. Donnan H., Haller D. (eds), 2000, Borders and Borderlands: An Anthropological Perspective, SpecialIssue of Ethnologia Europea 30(2).
5. Havlíček T., Chromý P., 2001, Contribution to the theory of polarized development of a territory,with a special attention paid to peripheral regions. Geografie 106(1), 1-11.
6. Krätke S., 1999, Regional integration of fragmentation? The German-Polish border region in a newEurope. Regional Studies 33(7), 631-641. -
7. Ladysz J., 2006, Chosen aspects of sustainable development on the Polish, Czech and Germanborderland. GeoJournal 67(1), 1-7. -
8. Newman D., 2006, The lines that continue to separate us: borders in our “borderless” word. Progressin Human Geography 30(2), 143-161. -
9. O´Dowd L., 2001, Analysing Europe´s borders, IBRU Boundary and Security Bulletin Summer 2001,67-79.
10. Perkmann M., 1999, Building governance institutions across European borders. Regional Studies33(7), 657-667. -
11. Wallace C., 1999, Crossing borders: mobility of goods, cupital and people in the central Europeanregion. In: A. Brah, M.J. Hickman, M. Ghaill (eds.), Global futures: migrations, environment andglobalization. London: Macmillan, 185-209.
12. Williams M.B., 2007, On Europe’s Edge: Changing borders in Central and Eastern Europe. ContemporaryStudies in Economic and Financial Analysis 89, 137-171. -
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Prawa zastrzeżone - dostęp nieograniczony
Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Unia Europejska. Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego ; Program Operacyjny Innowacyjna Gospodarka, lata 2010-2014, Priorytet 2. Infrastruktura strefy B + R
Oct 2, 2020
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