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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Lending of Agricultural Land as an Alternative to Land Leasing


Musiał, Wiesław

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Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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The study addresses some problems of a relatively new phenomenon on the market of agricultural land, which is its free lending. It concerns the neighbourly turnover of land and, after leasing (contractual and grey), is the second form of its dependent use. In social-science theory there are various references to lending in the literature, and can be treated, among others, as a behavioural phenomenon, a kind of mutual altruism, or be located in the sphere of economics of sharing. Free lending of land that is part of a farm’s resources usually results from many complex and joint conditions. It is as sociated with various determinants of the region, including the location of the land and the demand for leasing. It is also a worse alternative for its owner in terms of maintaining its agricultural use. However, it also brings some benefits for both the owner, and therefore the lender, as well as the new user. The research was carried out in the form of a case study. The results indicate that the main reason for lending the land for free, was the lack of people willing to lease it. Other reasons were also: the desire to maintain the advantages of agricultural land use, its unregulated legal status but also the lack of profitability of its use by the owner, and therefore the lack of economic rents from the land. In the subregions of the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship studied, the share of land in lending in the structure of the dependent land use varied widely, ranging from 5% to 40% (only in one commune was there no lending of agricultural land for free), and the average was about 10–15%. Cautious estimates show that on a national scale it is about 180–320 thousand. ha, and therefore about 2% of all arable land in Poland.


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Wieś i Rolnictwo


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Resource Identifier:

oai:rcin.org.pl:243649 ; doi:10.53098/wir022020/04 ; 0137-1673 (print); 2657-5213 (on-line)


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Copyright-protected material. [CC BY 4.0] May be used within the scope specified in Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license, full text available at:

Digitizing institution:

Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Original in:

Library of the Institute of Rural and Agriculture Development of the PAS

Projects co-financed by:

"Development of scientific journals" program - Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project number RCN/SP/0473/2021/1)



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Last modified:

Mar 12, 2025

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