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The aim of the work detailed here has been to identify the most important premises upon which cross-border cooperation can be established, the conditions for its further continuation or lack of continuation; and the key barriers to and benefits from the cooperation in question. Also examined was the intensity of cooperation in the periods before, during and after the implementation of individual cross-border cooperation projects – the aim being to assess the extent to which joint projects generate mutual relations of greater intensity. Analysis drew on a questionnaire survey run among all organisations involved in the implementation of Poland’s EU-funded cross-border cooperation projects in the 2007–2020 period.
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European Union. European Regional Development Fund ; Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure
Feb 11, 2025
Sep 4, 2023
Dołzbłasz, Sylwia
Leśniak-Johann, Małgorzata Raczyk, Andrzej
Dołzbłasz, Sylwia Raczyk, Andrzej
Dołzbłasz, Sylwia
Miszczuk, Andrzej
Więckowski, Marek (1971– )
Smahó, Melinda