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Advanced search ; 10.4098/AT.arch.88-5
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Mammal Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Aug 23, 2012
Edition name | Date |
Winter and early spring food of some carnivores in the Białowieża National Park, eastern Poland | Oct 2, 2020 |
Jędrzejewski, W. Jędrzejewska, B. Szymura, A.
Pilot, Małgorzata
Pilot, Małgorzata
Osten-Sacken, Natalia Ziomek, Joanna Kardynia, Paweł Zgrabczyńska, Ewa
Jędrzejewski, W. Zalewski, A. Jędrzejewska, B.
Kiernik, Eugeniusz Antoni (1877–1921)