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Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, Vol. 55, No 3 (2020), Special Issue
Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk
p. 103-124 ; Abstract in Polish and English.
In the age when the world was divided by an iron curtain and societies living under a communist government were kept isolated from their capitalist counterparts, there were still areas which could hardly be moulded into this polarized framework. I refer here to culture and art, and also music, which, despite the tireless efforts of governments, especially the so-called “people’s democracy” regimes, remained a bond integrating populations regardless of the prevailing social and political system. After the Second World War, access to “bourgeois” jazz in Eastern Europe was curtailed; however, the situation gradually started to change in the late 1950s. One example of this at least partial “opening to the West” was Jazz magazine, which tended to objectively comment on the evolution of syncopated music in the Eastern Bloc, allowing us to review how this genre was assimilated in particular countries.
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Trudzik A., “Na styku dwóch epok. Non Stop (1988–89) – początki ewolucji rynku prasy muzycznej,” in: Media a Polacy. Polskie media wobec ważnych wydarzeń politycznych i problemów społecznych, ed. K. Pokorna-Ignatowicz, J. Bierówka, S. Jędrzejewski, Kraków, 2012.
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Trudzik A.M., Prasa rockowa w PRL-u. „Magazyn Muzyczny” 1980–1991, Szczecin, 2020 (forthcoming).
Trudzik A., “Rock’n’Roll (1990–1991). Niezbyt pomyślna próba transplantacji dobrych wzorców z PRL-u do III RP,” in: Dziennikarstwo i media muzyczne a polityka, ed. D. Baran, A. Trudzik, Opole, 2020, pp. 109–130.
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej ; Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej ; 1230-5057 ; 2353-6403 ; 10.12775/SDR.2020.EN5.05
IH PAN, sygn. A.453/55/3 Podr. ; IH PAN, sygn. A.454/55/3 ; click here to follow the link
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Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of History PAS
Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Sep 22, 2023
Dec 2, 2020
Edition name | Date |
Trudzik, Artur (1973- ), Jazz in Central and Eastern Europe as discussed by Jazz magazine (1956–1959) | Sep 22, 2023 |
Trudzik, Artur Mariusz (1973– )
Trudzik, Artur Mariusz (1973– )