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Institute of Freshwater Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
24 cm ; ilustracje ; bibliografia na stronie 239
Bushnell J. H. 1974. Bryozoans ( (Ectoprocta). In: Hart C. W., Fuller S. L. M. (Eds): Poluution ecology of freshwater invertebrates. New York, Acad. Press, 157-194.
Ivlev V. S. 1977.Eksperimentalnaya ekologiya pitaniya ryb. Kiev, Nauk. Dumka, 271 pp.
Job. P. 1976. Intervention des populations de Plumatella fungosa (Pallas) (Bryozoaire Phylactolème) dans l'autoépuration des eaux d'un étang et d'un ruisseau. Hydrobiologia 48: 257-261.
Jonasson P. M. 1963. The growth of Plumatella repens and P. fungosa (Bryozoa, Ectoprocta) in relation to external factors in Danish eutrophic lakes. Oikos 14: 121-137.
Kamiński M. 1984. Food composition of three bryozoan species (Bryozoa, Phylactolaemata) in a mesotrophic lake. Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 31: 45-53.
Kluge G. A. 1949. Mshanki (Bryozoa). In: Žadin V. I. (red.): Zhizn pryesnykch vod SSSR. Moskva-Leningrad, Izdat. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 200-212.
Lacourt A. W. 1968. A monograph of the freshwater Bryozoa - Phylactolaemata. Zool. Verh. 93: 1-159.
Okamura B. 1987. Particle size and flow velocity induce an inferred switch inbryozoan suspension-feeding behavior. Biol. Bull. 173: 222-229.
Pennak R. 1953. Invertebrates of the United States. New York, Ronald Press co., 769 pp.
Raddum G. G., Johnsen T. M. 1983. Growth and feeding of Fredericella sultana (Bryozoa) in the outlet of a humic acid lake. Hydrobiologia 101: 115-120.
Ryland J. S. 1970. Bryozoans. London, Hutchinson Univ. Library, 144-155.
Spodniewska I. 1967. Dymanics of the abundance and biomass of phytoplankton in lakes Mikołajskie and Tałtowisko. Ekol. pol., A, 15: 139-153.
Winston J. E. 1978. Polypide morphology and feeding behavior in marine ectoprocts. Bull. Mar. Sci. 28: 1-31.
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Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
Feb 9, 2021
Feb 9, 2021
Kamiński, Maciej
Kamiński, Maciej
Kamiński, Maciej
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