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Karol Starmach Institute of Freshwater Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
24 cm ; ilustracje ; bibliografia na stronach 37-38
Blaxter J. H. S. 1971. Feeding and condition of Clyde herring larvae. Rapp. et Proc.-Verb. Réun., Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 160: 128-136.
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Hay D. E. 1981. Effects of capture and fixation on gut contents and body size of Pacific herring larvae. Rapp. Proc.-Verb. Réun., Cons. Int. Expl. Mer. 178: 395-400.
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Mamcarz A. 1994. Changes in some body parameters of Coregonus peled Gmel. larvae as the effect of preservation in formaldehyde. Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 41: 195-208.
McGurk M. D. 1985. Effects of ner capture on the postpreservation morphometr, dry weight, and condition factor of Pacific herring larvae. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 114: 348-355.
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Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
Oct 2, 2020
Apr 29, 2020
Mamcarz, Andrzej
Mamcarz, Andrzej