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Etnografia Polska 63 z. 1-2 (2019)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
This article discusses the role of the state historical policy in constructing national heritage in Poland. The author focuses mostly on the dominant place Roman Catholicism occupies in the Polish memory complex and in Roman-Catholic-related national identity projects, since these also affect the process of construing national heritage. Applying Pasieka’s notion of hierarchical religious pluralism, the author examines the construction of religious heritage according to the objectives of the contemporary conservative state historical policy. Assuming that Roman Catholicism constitutes the default element in the national heritage in Poland, the author examines how an alternative vision of religious heritage is created and what role minority religions play in the heritage-making processes in Poland. The case study is the Rękawka Celebration in Kraków – a historical reenactment of early medieval Slavic Pagan rites ; 0071-1861 ; doi:10.23858/EP63.2019.010
IAiE PAN, call no. P 325 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 326 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 327 ; click here to follow the link
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 2, 2022
Feb 17, 2020
Baraniecka-Olszewska, Kamila
Baraniecka-Olszewska, Kamila
Baraniecka-Olszewska, Kamila Niedźwiedź, Anna
Baraniecka-Olszewska, Kamila
Wasilewski, Jerzy S. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Kamila Tangad, Oyungerel
Górski, Karol
Pochłódka, Anna