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Archeologia Polski Vol. 50 (2005) No 1-2 ; On the Early Medieval inhumation cemeteries of Northern Masovia. Reflections in passing on an article by R. Piotrowski (2003)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Applies to an article: Piotrowski, Radosław : Uwagi na temat chronologii i interpretacji wczesnośredniowiecznych cmentarzysk mazowieckich. - Archeologia Polski ; 48 (2003) 1-2 , p. 191-197 ; P. 147-156 ; 25 cm ; Bibliography p. 153-155 ; English summary ; 0003-8180
IAE PAN, call no. P 319 ; IAE PAN, call no. P 320 ; IAE PAN, call no. P 321 ; click here to follow the link
Copyright-protected material. May be used within the limits of statutory user freedoms
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Feb 4, 2022
Oct 22, 2013
Szydłowski, Jerzy (1931–1997)
Rauhut, Lechosław
Łosiński, Władysław (1935– )
Florek, Marek
Piotrowski, Radosław
Kordala, Tomasz
Rajewski, Zdzisław (1907–1974)
Bronicka-Rauhut, Jadwiga