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[wydawca nieznany] ; Drukarnia "Czasu" (Kraków)
[2], 74, [2] strony ; 19 cm ; Estr. XIX, 3, 140
IBL PAN, call no. F.2249 ; click here to follow the link
Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget. ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Sep 18, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Miniewski, Władysław (1793-1865), Pisma do żony : wierszem i prozą | Oct 2, 2020 |
Lisowski, Pacyfik (1791–1853)
Dmochowski, Franciszek Salezy (1801–1871) Lisiecki, Dominik (1801–1846)
Lityński, Tadeusz Nydpruck Deržavin, Gavrila Romanovič (1743–1816) Karamzin, Nikolaj Mihajlovič (1766–1826) Dmitriev, Ivan Ivanovič (1760–1837) Krylov, Ivan Andreevič (1769–1844) Puškin, Aleksandr Sergeevič (1799–1837) Zawadzki, Józef (1781–1838)
Bohrer, Maurycy. Gwiżdż, Feliks (1885–1952) Huskowski, Jan (1883-?) Irzykowski, Karol (1873–1944) Niementowski, Jerzy (1889–1918) Niementorrwski, Jerzy (1889–1918) Pruszyńska, Sława (1888–1945) Reich, Aleksander. Salz, Henryk (1881-po 1939) Towarzystwo nauczycieli szkól powszechnych "Ognisko" (Stanisławów) Drukarnia Jana Dankiewicza (Stanisławów)