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Chrapusta, Stanisław ; Konopka, Bożena ; Goluda, Marian ; Padzik, Halina ; Ujec, Mieczysław ; Paszko, Zygmunt
Contents of estrogen and progestagen „cytosol" receptors (PRc) and of „nuclear" estrogen receptors (ERn) in normal uterine tissue of 72 menorrhoic women has been estimated. It has been found that contents of these receptors correla-tes with the phase of menstrual cycle and with the advancement of proliferative and secretory processes in the endometrium, greatest relative fluctuations of ERn contents being in the endometrium. It has been shown that endometrium con-tains significantly more of ERc and PRc dn the proliferative phase as compared with secretory phase. It has been found that analogie changes occur in the myo-metrium, although the difference of concentrations of ERc in tbis tissue in the proliferative and seetetory phase did not reach the statistlical significance. It has been also shown that the maximum of ERc content in the myometrium occurs earlier as compared with mucosa (correspondingly in early and later period of the proliferation phase). Hormonal conditioning of the observed chan-ges of receptor contents are discussed and the hypothesis advanced that a cause of differences in the course of changes in the mucosa and muscularis may be the proliferation of mucosa cells.
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Mossakowski Medical Research Institute PAS
Library of the Mossakowski Medical Research Institute PAS
Mar 24, 2022
Jul 31, 2019