RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Trzy pieczęcie Jana Długosza


Kozaczkiewicz, Ewa

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Studia Źródłoznawcze = Commentationes T. 56 (2018) ; Commentationes T. 56 (2018)


Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:



p. 119-136 : : ill. colour ; 29 cm

Type of object:



The article presents three unpublished seals of Jan Długosz. They have preserved in fi ve copies on two documents and three letters. In the article there are descriptions of the seals, giving their shape, dimensions, images and inscriptions, together with the way in which they were used. Next, there is an analysis of the seals set in the context of a convention established in the circle of cathedral canons. For selected issues, references are made to analogous phenomena existing in the sphragistics of bishops and knights. While discussing the use of the seals, the author asks a question about their possible mutual relationship. Unfortunately, the search for ananswer is hampered by the poor state of preservation of the sources.


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Skupieński K., Notariat publiczny w średniowiecznej Polsce, Lublin 2002
Włodarek A., Jan Długosz – fundator, menedżer, czy aferzysta?, w: Artifex doctus. Studia ofiarowane profesorowi Jerzemu Gadomskiemu w siedemdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin, t. 1, red. W. Bałus, W. Walanus, M. Walczak, Kraków 2007, s. 267–275
Wroniszewski J., Pieczęcie polskie przy dokumentach horodelskich w świetle polskiej średniowiecznej sfragistyki, w: 1413 m. Horodlės aktai (dokumentai ir tyrinėjimai) / Akty horodelskie z 1413 roku (dokumenty i studia), red. J. Kiaupienė, L. Korczak, Vilnius–Kraków 2013, s. 145–159


Studia Źródłoznawcze



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End page:


Detailed Resource Type:

Article : original article



Resource Identifier:

oai:rcin.org.pl:71704 ; 2451-1331 ; 0081-7147 ; 10.12775/SZ.2018.05


click here to follow the link ; IH PAN, sygn. B.89/56 ; IH PAN, sygn. B.88/56 Podr.



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Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Library of the Institute of History PAS

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