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Title: Początki komun(y) w miastach średniowiecznych Włoch w świetle rozważań Chrisa Wickhama


Pomierny-Wąsińska, Anna (1988– ) ORCID

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Kwartalnik Historyczny R. 125 nr 3 (2018)


Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences ; Polish Historical Society


Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:



p. 705-719 ; 24 cm ; Concerns book: Sleepwalking into a New World: The Emergence of Italian City Communes in the Twelfth Century / Chris Wickham.- Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, cop. 2015. ; Summary in English.

Type of object:



Chris Wickham has undertaken a discussion about one of the most important problems of Italian medieval studies: the emergence of communes in Italian cities. The article presents Wickham’s theses, characterizes his instrumentarium, and places his study against the background of other works on the same subject published in last decades.


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Błesznowski Bartłomiej, Strukturalizm i historia, „Praktyka Teoretyczna” 2016, 4 (22), s. 8–15.
Bordone Renato, La società urbana nell’Italia comunale, secoli XI–XIV, Loescher, Torino 1984.
Castagnetti Andrea, Feudalità e società comunale II, http://www.rm.unina.it/rm_old/ biblioteca/scaffale/c.htm#Andrea Castagnetti.
Castagnetti Andrea, Feudalità e società comunale, w: Medioevo Mezzogiorno Mediterraneo, t. 1, red. Gabriella Rossetti, Giovanni Vitolo, Napoli 2000, s. 205–239.
Castagnetti Andrea, Feudałowie a społeczeństwo komuny miejskiej, RDSG 59, 1991, s. 67–106.
Franceschi Franco, Ilaria Tadei, Le città italiane nel Medioevo, XII–XIV secolo, Il Mulino, Bologna 2012.
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Jones Philip, The Italian City-State. From Commune to Signoria, Oxford University Press, New York 1997.
Keller Hagen, Adelsherrschaft und städtische Gesellschaft in Oberitalien, 9.–12. Jahrhundert, Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom, Tübingen 1979.
Keller Hagen, Signori e vassalli nell’Italia delle città (secoli IX–XII), UTET Università, Torino 1995.
Kershaw Ian, „Working Towards the Führer”. Reflections on the Nature of the Hitler Dictatorship, „Contemporary European History” 2, 1993, 2, s. 103–118.
La civiltà comunale italiana nella storiografia internazionale, red. Andrea Zorzi, Firenze University Press, Firenze 2008, http://www.oapen.org/search?iden- tifier=343876.
Maire Vigueur Jean-Claude, Cavaliers et citoyens. Guerre, conflits et société dans l’Italie communale, XIIe–XIIIe siècles, L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris 2003.
Maire Vigueur Jean-Claude, L’autre Rome. Une histoire des Romains à l’époque communale (XIIe–XIVe siècle), Tallandier, Paris 2010.
Maire Vigueur Jean-Claude, Rycerze i mieszczanie. Wojna, konflikty i społeczeństwo w średniowiecznych Włoszech. XII–XIII wiek, PWN, Warszawa 2008.
Menant François, Campagnes lombardes du Moyen Âge, L’économie et la société rurales dans la région de Bergame, de Crémone et de Brescia du Xe au XIIIe siècle, École française de Rome, Roma 1993.
Manikowska Halina, Średniowieczne miasta-państwa na Półwyspie Apenińskim, w: Rozkwit średniowiecznej Europy, red. Henryk Samsonowicz, Bellona, Warszawa 2001, s. 250–377.
Tabacco Giovanni, Egemonie sociali e strutture del potere nel medioevo italiano, Einaudi, Milano 1979.
Topolski Jerzy, Marksizm i historia, PIW, Warszawa 1977.
Walczak Bartłomiej, Antropolog jako Inny. Od pierwszych badań terenowych do wyzwań ponowoczesnej antropologii, Scholar, Warszawa 2009.
Waley Daniel, The Italian City Republics, Longman, London–New York 1988.
Wickham Chris, Courts and Conflict in Twelfth-Century Tuscany, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2003.
Wickham Chris, Framing the Early Middle Ages, Oxford University Press, New York 2005.
Wickham Chris, Medieval Rome. Stability and Crisis of a City, 900–1150, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013; tłum. polskie: Rzym średniowieczny. Stabilizacja i kryzys miasta w latach 900–1150, Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki, Kęty 2018.
Wickham Chris, Memories of Underdevelopment. What Has Marxism Done for Medieval History, and What Can It Still Do?, w: Marxist History-Writing for Twenty-First Century, red. idem, Oxford University Press, New York–London 2007, s. 32–48.
Wickham Chris, Sonnambuli verso il nuovo mondo, Viella, Roma 2017.
Zorzi Andrea, Lo spazio politico delle città comunali e signorili italiane. Una prima approssimazione, w: Spazio e mobilità nella „societas christiana” spazio, identità, alterità (secoli X–XIII). Atti del Convegno Internazionale Brescia, 17–19 settembre 2015, red. Gincarlo Andenna, Nicolangelo D’Acunto, Elisabetta Filippini, Vita e Pensiero, Milano 2017, s. 165–185.


Kwartalnik Historyczny





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Article : scientific review



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oai:rcin.org.pl:71538 ; 0023-5903 ; 2451-1315


IH PAN, sygn. A.52/125/3 Podr. ; IH PAN, sygn. A.96/125/3 ; click here to follow the link



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Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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