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Title: New Guinean Melobasis C.G. (Buprestidae: Anthaxiini: Melanophilina): new species, redefinition of subgenera and preliminary checklist


Hołyński, Roman B.

Date issued/created:

14 V 2019

Resource type:



Uncensored Scientists Group ; Roman Hołyński

Place of publishing:



8-25 s.

Type of object:



BEDEL L. 1921. Faune des Coléoptères du bassin de la Seine. Vol. 4, Fasc. 2: sous-ordre Serricornia (Sternoxia). Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 90: 165-362
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CASTELNAU F.L.N., H.L. GORY. 1837. Histoire naturelle et iconographie des insectes coléoptères. Monographie des buprestides. Buprestis. [Paris: Duméril] [1] 12-16: 65-160
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HATTORI T., U. ONG. 2018. Studies on the Buprestidae (Coleoptera) of Asia. 9) Four new species of the genera Lamprodila, Melobasis and Coraebus from Taiwan. Elytra (NS) 8, 1: 159-172
HOŁYŃSKI R.B. 1988. Remarks on the general classification of Buprestidae Leach as applied to Maoraxiina Hol. Folia Ent. Hung. 49, 1: 49-54
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KERREMANS C. 1892. Viaggio di Lamberto Loria nella Papuasia orientale. VII. Buprestides. Ann. Mus. Civ. Sci. Nat. Genova (2) 12 (32): 1001-1006
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LEVEY B. 2012. A revision of the Australian species of the genus Melobasis Laporte & Gory 1837 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), part 1 (introductory material, key to species-groups and keys to species of the Thoracica, Pusilla, Formosa, Propinqua and Gloriosa species-groups). Zootaxa 3464: 1-107
OBENBERGER J. 1923. Une série de nouveaux genres de Buprestides. Acta Ent. Mus. Nat. Pr. 1, 2: 13-44
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THÉRY A. 1923. Remarques sur les genres alliés à Melobasis (COL. BUPRESTIDAE) et descriptions d’espèces nouvelles de la Malaisie. Ann. Mus. Civ. St. Nat. Genova 51: 51-70
VOLKOVITSH M.G., T.J. HAWKESWOOD. 1994. The larva of Melobasis (Melobasis) vertebralis Carter (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). G. It. Ent. 7: 11-27







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oai:rcin.org.pl:71360 ; ISSN 2543-7747




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Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS

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Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget.



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Oct 6, 2020

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May 20, 2019

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Vol. 4, no 2 (2019) Oct 6, 2020


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