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Title: Contribution to Understanding the Distribution of ‘Chocolate’ Flint on the Polish Lowlands in the Early Neolithic: Kruszyn, Site 13


Kabaciński, Jacek

Date issued/created:


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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 56 (2018)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

Place of publishing:



ill., 24 cm

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Abstakt “Chocolate’”flint was the main raw material used by the Early Neolithic Linear Band Cul¬ture (LBK) groups in the Polish Lowlands. Since the second (note) phase of the development of this culture, the early farmers developed a complex system of distribution of ‘chocolate’ flint within the great-valleys zone of the Lowlands. Concretions of raw flint were transported by the Vistula river from the outcrops located on the southeastern slopes of the Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains to Kuyavia. They were worked into cores and processed in settlements close to the Vistula valley. Cores and blades/flakes were also exported to distant locations to the west as far as the Lower Oder basin area. One would expect the existence of specialised workshops providing materials for such a mass distribution. Kruszyn site 13, Włocławek distr., is the first LBK ‘chocolate’ flint workshop discovered close to the Vistula river concentrated on production of blades. This site fits well into the LBK flint distribution system developed on the Lowlands


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Archaeologia Polona



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oai:rcin.org.pl:73277 ; 0066-5924 ; doi:10.23858/APa56.2018.006


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