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“The carnival has begun its reign”2, or the local press on the carnival in the urban space of pre-war Lublin ; Journal of Urban Ethnology 16 (2018)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
The text makes an attempt to describe the selected aspects associated with the carnival in pre-war Lublin based on data derived from the local press of that period (“Express Lubelski i Wołyński”, “Głos Lubelski”, “Kurjer”, “Przegląd Lubelsko Kresowy”, “Ziemia Lubelska”). The article is divided into nine parts aiming to illustrate the social and cultural differences between the city centre and its outskirts, to point to such phenomena as charity, fashion or city attractions during the carnival, and to describe how the nature of the first weeks of the year affected the economic sphere of the city in everyday life: 1) Till the morning in the rhythm of excellent jazz – carnival in the city centre; 2) Instead of being at the ball – carnival charity; 3) A new dress devised with a milliner – fashion in the carnival; 4) A revue, ice rink and prize lottery – city carnival attractions; 5) Heavily beaten at his own wedding – carnival in the outskirts; 6) A well-coordinated ballroom string orchestra – carnival in services; 7) We recommend donuts fried in fresh butter – carnival in trade; 8) The herring dancing a shimmy – the end of the carnival; 9) It is not a time to have fun today – carnival in silence and reflection. 1 Karnawał zaczął swoje panowanie: / Huczne zabawy i libacje wszędzie, / Skoro nastąpi znów opamiętanie, / Wtedy w kieszeni już grosza nie będzie. – Fragment mającej zachęcać do oszczędności w okresie karnawałowym wierszowanej reklamy Kasy Komunalnej, mieszczącej się przed II wojną światową przy ul. Narutowicza 13 w Lublinie, „Express Lubelski i Wołyński” 17.01.1935, s. 4. 2 The carnival’s reign has begun: / Lavish fetes and drunken revels all around, / And when reason puts an end to fun, / Not a farthing in your pocket will be found. – A passage from a verse advertisement intended to encourage thriftiness during the carnival period, issued by the Communal Savings Bank which before WWII was located at 13 Narutowicza St. in Lublin, “Express Lubelski i Wołyński” 17 Jan. 1935, p. 4
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IAiE PAN, call no. P 714 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 1505 ; click here to follow the link
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Apr 11, 2021
Jan 17, 2019
Resztak, Miłosz,
Gromnicki, Jan (1932– )