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Przegląd Geograficzny T. 90 z. 4 (2018)
1. Brunn S.D., 1988, The manuscript review process and advice to prospective authors, The Professional Geographer, 40, 1, s. 8–14.
2. Brunn S.D., 1997, Support for, and impacts of, publishing in the Annals of the AAG: The authors and an editor speak, The Professional Geographer, 49, 3, s. 364–371.
3. Hart J.F., 1990, Canons of good editorship, The Professional Geographer, 42, 3, s. 354–358.
4. Hay I., 2016, Why edit a journal? Academic irony and paradox, The Professional Geographer, 68, 1, s. 159–165.
5. Sidaway J.D., 2016, Scholarly publishing landscapes: A geographical perspective, Area, 48, 3, s. 389–392.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Mar 25, 2021
Jan 28, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Od redaktora | Mar 25, 2021 |
Taylor, Zbigniew (1946– ) Ciechański, Ariel
Taylor, Zbigniew (1946– ) Ciechański, Ariel
Taylor, Zbigniew (1946– ) Ciechański, Ariel
Taylor, Zbigniew (1946– ) Ciechański, Ariel
Taylor, Zbigniew (1946– ) Ciechański, Ariel