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Methods - calibration of a model of phosphorus cycling in a lake
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii
Strony 387-406 : ilustracje ; 24 cm ; Bibliografia na stronie 406 ; Streszczenie w języku polskim
As has been indicated by practice, the traditional trial and error method is not an efficient tool for estimating the parameters of ecological models. The degree of complication of a typical ecological model also makes it impossible to use available formal algorithms. Two techniques can, however, be suggested which considerably improve the process of parameter estimation. One of them is the method of step by step merging subsequent state equations, and the other that of aiding the estimation process with sensitivity analysis.
1. Benson M. 1979 - Parameter fitting in dynamics models - Ecol. Model. 6: 97-115.
2. Fedra K., van Straten G., Beck M. B. 1980 - Uncertainty and arbitrariness in ecosystem modelling: a lake modelling example - IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria, WP-80-87.
3. Jorgensen S. E., Jorgensen L. A., Kamp-Nielsen L., Mejer M. F. 1981 - Parameter estimation in eutrophication modelling - Ecol. Model. 13: 11-129.
4. Klekowski R. Z., Uchmański J. 1980 - Sensitivity analysis of energy flow model by Monte Carlo method - Pol. ecol. Stud. 6: 55-59.
5. Kraszewski A. K. 1982 - Metody poprawy własności eksploatacyjnych modeli jakości wody w rzece [Methods of improvement of some usage characteristics of water quality models] - Ph.D. Thesis, Warsaw Technical University, Warsaw, 133 pp.
6. Lewis S., Nir A. 1978 - A study of parameter estimation procedures of a model of lake phosphorus dynamics - Ecol. Model. 4: 99-117.
7. Loga M. 1984 - Analiza możliwości usprawnienia procesu estymacji parametrów modelu obiegu fosforu w ekosystemie jeziora [The analysis of the possibility of improvement of parameter estimation in phosphorus cycle model of the lake ecosystem] - M.Sc. Thesis, Warsaw Technical University, Warsaw, 147 pp.
8. Majkowski J., Ridgeway J. M., Miller D. R. 1981 - Multiplicative sensitivity analysis and its role in development of simulation models - Ecol. Model. 12: 191-208.
9. Miller D. R. 1974 - Sensitivity analysis and validation of simulation models - J. theor. Biol. 48: 345-360.
10. Rinaldi S., Soncini-Sessa R., Sthefest M., Tamura M.1979 - Modelling and control of river quality - McGraw-Hill, New York, 380 pp.
11. Shaeffer D. L. 1980 - A model evaluation methodology applicable to environmental assessment models - Ecol. Model. 8: 275-298.
12. Uchmański J. 1988 - Simulation model of phosphorus cycling in the epilimnion of Lake Głębokie - Ekol. pol. 36: 347 -386. ; ISSN 0420-9036
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Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Biblioteka Muzeum i Instytutu Zoologii PAN
Feb 4, 2025
Sep 17, 2019
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Kruk, Marek
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Libura, Marek