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Geographia Polonica Vol. 91 No. 4 (2018)
A process of reurbanisation associated with the resurgence of inner-city housing has been observed in Western Europe since the 1980s. Nowadays this trend is not only seen in large urban areas but also in the medium-sized towns and cities of Eastern Europe. However, there is still a lack of empirical research on the spatial variation of the population change within such cities. This paper explores the process of reurbanisation in the city cores and its underlying dynamics against demographic changes, using the city of Kraków (Poland) as an example.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Sudoł-Procyk, Magdalena
Sudoł-Procyk, Magdalena Malak, Magdalena Binnebesel, Hubert Krajcarz, Maciej T.
Tyniec, Anna
Borkowska, A. Konopko, A.
Dzięciołowski, R. Goszczyński, J. Wasilewski, M. Babińska-Werka, J.
Borkowska, A. Konopko, A.