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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. Amit, V. and Rapport, N. (2002) The Trouble with Community: Anthropological Reflections on Movement, Identity and Collectivity, London: Pluto.
2. Amit, V. and Rapport, N. (2012) Community, Cosmopolitanism and the Problem of Human Commonality, London: Pluto.
3. Augé, M. (2011), Nie-miejsca. Wprowadzenie do antropologii hipernowoczesności, tłum. R. Chymkowski (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN).
4. Barry, B. (2001), Culture and Equality: An Egalitarian Critique of Multiculturalism (Cambridge: Polity).
5. Boswell, J. (1935), Life of Johnson (Book I) (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
6. Forster, E. M. (2009), Powrót do Howards End, tłum. E. Krasińska (Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka).
7. Geertz, C. (2005), Intertpretacja Kultur. Wybrane Eseje, tłum. M. M. Piechaczek (Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego).
8. Gellner, E. (1993), The mightier pen? Edward Said and the double standards of inside-out colonialism, „Times Literary Supplement”, 4690: 3–4.
9. Gellner, E. (1995), Anything goes: The carnival of cheap relativism which threatens to swamp the coming fin de millenaire, „Times Literary Supplement” 4811: 6–8.
10. Gray, J. (1992), Against the new liberalism: Rawls, Dworkin and the emptying of political life, „Times Literary Supplement” 3 lipca, 13-15.
11. Group for Debates in Anthropological Theory (1989), Social Anthropology is a Generalizing Science or it is Nothing, red. T. Ingold, Manchester: Department of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester, egzemplarz powielony.
12. Haraway, D. (1997), Modest_Witness@Second_Millenium.FemaleMan_Meets_Oncomouse (London: Routledge).
13. Kant, I. (2005), Antropologia w ujęziu pragmatycznym, tłum. E. Drzazgowska, P. Sosnowska (Warszawa: IFiS PAN).
14. Kateb, G. (1984), Democratic Individuality and the Claim of Politics, „Political Theory” 12 (3): 331-360.
15. Kymlicka, W. (1995), Multicultural Citizenship (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
16. Larkin, P. (1991), 44 wiersze, tłum. S. Barańczak (Kraków: Arka).
17. Nietzsche, F. (1967), Wola mocy, tłum. K. Drzewiecki, S. Frycz (Kraków: vis-à-vis etiuda).
18. Nietzsche, F. (2015), Zmierzch bożyszcz czyli Jak filozofuje się młotem, tłum. S. Wyrzykowski s (Kraków: vis-à-vis etiuda).
19. Nussbaum, M. (1996), Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism, w: Love of Country: Debating the limits of patriotism, red. J. Cohen (Boston: Beacon).
20. Parekh, B. (1998), Cultural Diversity and Liberal Democracy, w: Democracy, Difference and Social Justice, red. G. Mahajan (Delhi: Oxford University Press).
21. Rapport, N. (1993), Diverse World-Views in an English Village (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press).
22. Rapport, N. (1997), The „Contrarieties” of Israel: An essay on the cognitive importance and the creative promise of both/and, „Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute” 3(4): 653–72.
23. Rapport, N. (2001), Random Mind: Towards an Appreciation of Openness in Individual, Society and Anthropology, „The Australian Journal of Anthropology” 12(2): 190–220.
24. Rapport, N. (2002), „The Truth is Alive”: Kierkegaard's Anthropology of Subjectivism, Dualism and Somatic Knowledge, „Anthropological Theory” 2 (2): 165-83.
25. Rapport, N. (2003), I am Dynamite: An Alternative Anthropology of Power (London: Routledge).
26. Rapport, N. (2005), Nietzsche’s Pendulum: Oscillations of Humankind, „The Australian Journal of Anthropology” 16(2): 1–17.
27. Rapport, N. and Dawson, A. (red.) (1998), Migrants of Identity: Perceptions of Home in a World of Movement (Oxford: Berg).
28. Robertson, R. (1990), Mapping the Global Condition: Globalization as the Central Concept, „Theory, Culture and Society” 7(2-3): 15-30.
29. Sartre, J-P. (1975), Existentialism is a Humanism, w: Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre, red. W. Kaufman (New York: New Arena Library).
30. Szekspir, W. (1973), Dzieła dramatyczne, t. 1 Komedie I (Warszawa: Państwowt Instytut Wydawniczy).
31. Simmel, G. (1950), The Sociology of Georg Simmel (New York: Free Press).
32. Steiner, G. (1997), Errata: An Examined Life (New Haven: Yale University Press).
33. Stocking, G. (1992), The Ethnographer's Magic and Other Essays in the History of Anthropology (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press).
34. Tully, J. (1995), Strange Multiplicity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
35. Turner, J.S. (2000), The Extended Organism (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
36. Woolf, V. (1938), The Common Reader (Penguin: Harmondsworth). ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2018.1.11
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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Oct 2, 2020
Nov 9, 2018
Edition name | Date |
Rapport N. - Natura ludzka: założenie i nadzieja antropologii | Oct 2, 2020 |
Kowalska, Małgorzata Zofia
Songin-Mokrzan, Marta
Wanner, Catherine King-Savic, Sandra Tosic, Jelena Tarkhanova, Oleksandra
Roeske, Małgorzata
Blanco Esmoris, Maria Florencia Ohanian, María Jazmín
Biernacka-Gemel, Adrianna Zieliński, Konrad
Kozhevnikova, Magdalena