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Ocena konsumpcji gryzoni w ekosystemie łąkowym należącym do zbiorowiska rzędu Molinietalia
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ecology
Pages 747-761 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 759-761) ; Abstract in Polish
In two successive years the consumption of rodents on a mid-forest meadow belonging to the community of Molinietalia order, was estimated. Few rodent species lived in this ecosystem, and among them Apodemus agrarius (Pall.) and Microtus arvalis (Pall.) dominated. In the first year of studies the consumption of rodents was 9:5 kcal/m2/year (0.5% of net primary production of this meadow) and in the next year 12.1 kcal/m2/year (0.6% of primary production).
1. Andrzejewska, L. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in Vistula Valley. VI. Production and population density of leafhopper (Homoptera-Auchenorrhyncha) communities - Ekol. Pol. 19: 151-172.
2. Andrzejewska, L., Wójcik, Z. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in Vistula Valley. VII. Estimation of the effect of phytophagous insects on the vascular plant biomass of the meadows - Ekol. Pol. 19: 173-182.
3. AndrzejewskKi, R. 1969 - Analysis of results of catches of small mammals by the "Calendar of catches" method – Zesz. nauk. Zakł. Ekol. PAN, 2: 1-104.
4. Breymeyer, A. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in Vistula Valley. XIII. Some regularities in structure and function of the ecosystem – Ekol. Pol. 19: 249-261.
5. Czerwiński, Z. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in Vistula Valley. II. Soil conditions - Ekol. Pol. 19: 107-119.
6. Diehl, B. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in Vistula Valley. XII. Energy requirement in nestling and fledgling Redbacked Shrike (Lanius collurio L.) - Ekol. Pol. 19: 235-248.
7. Drożdż, A. 1968 - Digestibility and assimilation of natural foods in small rodents - Acta theriol. 13: 367-389.
8. Gębczyńska, Z. 1970 - Bioenergetics of a roat vole population - Acta theriol. 15: 33-66.
9. Gębczyński, M. 1966 - The daily energy requirement of the yellow-necked field mouse in different seasons - Acta theriol. 11: 391-398.
10. Górecki, A. 1968 - Metabolic rate and energy budget of the striped fieldmouse - Acta theriol. 14: 181-190.
11. Górecki, A. 1969 - Metabolic rate and energy budget in the bank vole - Acta theriol. 13: 341-365.
12. Górecki, A., Grodziński, W. 1968 - Metabolic rate and energy budgets of some voles and mice - Small Mammal Newslett. 2, 7: 132-137.
13. Grodziński, W., Górecki, A., Janas, K., Migula, P. 1966 - Effect of rodents on the primary productivity of alpine meadows in Bieszczady mountains - Acta theriol. 11: 419-431.
14. Grodziński, W., Pucek, Z., Ryszkowski, L. 1966 - Estimation of rodent numbers by means of prebaiting and intensive removal - Acta theriol. 11: 297-314.
15. Jakubczyk, H. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in Vistula V alley. III. Decomposition rate of organic matter and microbiological activity - Ekol. Pol. 19: 121-128.
16. Kajak, A. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in Vistula Valley. IX. Production and consumption of field layer spiders – Ekol. Pol. 19: 197-211.
17. Kajak, A., Breymeyer, A., Pętal, J. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in Vistula Valley. XI. Predatory Arthropods - Ekol. Pol. 19: 223-233.
18. Macfadyen, A., Petrusewicz, K. 1970 - Productivity of terrestrial animals. Principles and methods - Oxford and Edinburgh, 42-49 pp.
19. Makulec, G. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in Vistula Valley. V. Introductory studies on numbers and energetics of Orthoptera - Ekol. Pol. 19: 139-150.
20. Nowak, E. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in Vistula Valley. IV. Soil macrofauna - Ekol. Pol. 19: 129-137.
21. Olechowicz, E. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in Vistula Valley. VIII. The number of emerged Diptera and their elimination - Ekol. Pol. 19: 183-195.
22. Petrusewicz, K., Andrzejewski, R. 1962 - Natural history of a free-living of house mice (Mus musculus Linnaeus) with particular reference to population groupings within the population - Ekol. Pol. A, 10: 85-122.
23. Pętal, J., Andrzejewska, L., Breymeyer, A., Olechowicz, E. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in Vistula Valley. X. The role of ants as predators in a habitat - Ekol. Pol. 19: 213-222.
24. Traczyk, T. 1966 - Plant communities of Strzeleckie Meadows in Kampinos Forest - Ekol. Pol. A, 14: 285-299.
25. Traczyk, T. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in Vistula Valley. I. Geobotanical description and primary production - Ekol. Pol. 19: 93-106.
26. Wiegert, R. G., Evans, F. C. 1964 - Primary production and the disappearance of dead vegetation on an old field in southeastern Michigan - Ecology, 45: 49-63.
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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