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Społeczno-kulturowe, gospodarcze i przestrzenne wymiary procesdów odnowy i rewitalizacji wsi w Polsce ; Studia Obszarów Wiejskich = Rural Studies, t. 49
Mstów is a village located in the Śląskie Voivodship, by the Warta river. For a long time local authorities were not recognizing the potential of the village despite of numerous tourist attractions (main square, barns, old church, limestone outlier – ‘Rock of love’), the village was not considered as tourists’ object of interests. One of the first steps regarding revitalization was cleaning up riverside land near the ‘Rock of love’ and purification of artificial lake. New walking paths and the beach started to attract tourists. Nearby, the river fish bar was opened and another restaurant appeared near the main square. The next step consisted of ‘Outdoor design” workshops, during which students from Silesian universities considered how to improve the quality of public space. Local authorities have taken care of creating corporate design for Mstów and set up ‘Apple Fest’ – an annual event for merchandising fruits planted by local fruit farmers. An interest in village’s history also occurred. In 2012 Mstów was celebrating 800th anniversary of bishops’ congress, during this event lectures about history of the village, church and local order were given. Archeological and ethnographic researches were initiated. Historical barn district was a master thesis’ topic of the author. Revitalization and local authorities’ interest has brought positive effect. Event related to local farming is advertising the village, which is also growing in tourism. The villagers have become interested in history of Mstów and seen cultural value of the place, they are live in. Despite all the effort, there are still a lot to improve. Barn district is deteriorating and may vanish soon. Interest from local authorities and inhabitants is needed, because they do not see these building as a local heritage.
1. Borowska-Antoniewicz J., 2013, Program opieki nad zabytkami gminy Mstów, załącznik nr 1 do uchwały Rady Gminy nr XXXVII/249/2013 z 14 września 2013, Mstów, Częstochowa.
2. Jakubczak A., 2013, Mstów w czasach najnowszych, [w:] K. Łatak (red.), Mstów. Miasto – Klasztor – Parafia. Na przestrzeni wieków., Wydawnictwo LTW, Łomianki, s. 9–15.
3. Kubicki A., 2011, Z przeszłości Mstowa: notatki kronikarskie od średniowiecza do 1939 roku, Drukarnia usługowa "Gryf", Częstochowa.
4. Laberschek J., 2014, Średniowieczne dzieje nadwarciańskiego Mstowa, Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego "Societas Vistulana", Kraków.
5. Nowicka A., 2015, praca magisterska Strategia ochrony i rozwoju zabytkowej dzielnicy stodół we Mstowie, Politechnika Wrocławska, Wrocław.
6. Pleszyniak J., 2015, Gmina Mstów... dobre miejsce na wypoczynek i rekreację, Wydawnictwo ALATUS, Katowice.
7. Wolski O., Różycki P., 2012, Management of tourist values on the example of the Mstów commune, Geotourism/Geoturystyka, 3-4, s. 55-70.
8., dostęp 17.07.2017
9., dostęp 17.07.2017
10., dostęp 25.08.2017
11., dostęp 12.06.2018
12. Zarządzenie Nr 102/2012 Wójta Gminy Mstów z dnia 18 grudnia 2012 r. w sprawie założenia gminnej ewidencji zabytków Gminy Mstów.
File size 3,3 MB ; application/pdf ; 1642-4689 ; 10.7163/SOW.49.1
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Falkowski, Jan
Novotný, Ladislav Kulla, Marián Dická, Janetta Nestorová Pregi, Loránt
Czapiewska, Gabriela
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Vaishar, Antonín Šťastná, Milada Stonawská, Kateřina Žitňáková, Jana