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Two Ancient Lamps in the Władysław Łęga Museum in Grudziądz
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This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.

Title: Two Ancient Lamps in the Władysław Łęga Museum in Grudziądz


Brillowski, Wojciech ; Sakowicz, Dorota

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Archeologia T. 66 (2015)


Wydawnictwo IAE PAN

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ill. ; 31 cm

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The Władysław Łęga Museum in Grudziądz, one of the oldest museums in Poland, has in its collection two ancient oil lamps that have not been published until now. Both lamps are of high quality and of unique form and decoration, even if demanding immediate conservation. An analysis of form and decoration allowed to establish with a high degree of probability the date and place of their manufacture, but some doubts remain about when and where they were acquired. Since the collection itself, as well as its inventories, suffered during the Second World War, the authors had to apply methods of “museum archaeology” to establish provenience of the lamps. Both donors have been identified, and time when the lamps found their way to the museum determined. The data provided by the formal analysis allowed to formulate a hypothesis concerning the provenience of the lamps, based on similar, and better recognized, specimens from other collections. The publication of the Grudziądz lamps not only contributes to the history of antiquarianism in Poland, but also provides importantdata about Roman lamp-making industry


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