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Doświadczalnie wywołany wzrost populacji ; Experimentally induced population growth
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny
Strony 281-309, 1 złożona karta tablic : ilustracje ; 24 cm ; Bibliografia na stronach 306-307 ; Streszczenie w języku polskim
1. Alle, W. C., 1942 - Social Dominance and Subordination among Vertebrates. Biol. Symp. t. VIII s. 134-161.
2. Alle, W. C., Emerson, A. E., Park, O., Park, T., Schmidt, K. P. 1949 - Principles of Animal Ecology. Philadelphia.
3. Brown, R. Z., 1953 - Social Behavior, Reproduction and Population Changes in the House Mouse (Mus Musculus L) Ecol. Monogr. V.23, No 3, s. 217-240.
4. Calhoun, J. E. 1956 - A Comparative Study of the Social Behavior of Two Inbred Strains of the House Mice, Ecol. Monogr. V. 26, No 1, s. 81-103.
5. Elton, Ch. 1942 - Voles, Mice and Lemmings Problems in Populations Dynamics. Oxford, s. 1-496.
6. Howard, L. O. and Fiske, W. F. 1911 - The Importation into the United States of the Parasites of the Gipsy Moth and the Erown – Tail Moth. A Report of Progress, with some Consideration of Pevions and Concurrent Efforts of this Kind. Washington D.C.U.S. Dep. Agric. Bur. Ent. Bull. No 9, s. 1-312.
7. Naumow, N. P. 1955 - Ekologija Żiwotnych, Moskwa, s. 1-533.
Park, T. 1942 - Sutegration in Intresocial Insect Population, Biol. Symp. t. VIII, s. 121-138.
8. Petrusewicz, K. - Influence of the Presence of Their Own Population on the Results of Fights between Male Mice, Bull. Acad. Sc. Cl. II Vol. VI, No 1.
9. Smith, H. S. 1939 - Insect Populations in Relation to. Biological Control, Ecol. Monogr., Durham N.C.9, s. 311-320.
10. Southwick., Ch. H. 1955 - a. The Population Dynamics of Confines House Mice Supplied with Unlimited Food., Ecology, 19. 5, Vol. 36, No 2, s. 212-225.
11. Southwick, Ch. H. 1955 - b. Regulatory Mechanisms of House Mouse Populations: Social Behiavior Affecting Litter Survival., Ecology 1955, Durham, Vol. 36, No 4, s. 627-634.
12. Strecker, R. L. and Emlen, J. T. 1953 - Regulatory Mechanisms in House Mouse Populations. The Effects of Limited Food Supply on a Confined Population., Ecol. V. 34, s. 375-38-5.
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Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Biblioteka Muzeum i Instytutu Zoologii PAN
Feb 4, 2025
Jan 2, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Nr 9. Investigation of experimentally induced population growth / Petrusewicz K. | Feb 4, 2025 |
Wierzbowska, Teresa Petrusewicz, Kazimierz
Petrusewicz, Kazimierz Trojan, Przemysław
Sumiński, Stanisław Michał (1891–1943)
Wałecki, Antoni (1815–1897)
Triggs, G. S.
Hurst, J. L. Berreen, J.