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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. G. Agamben Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA 2004.
2. G. Agamben Means without an End, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN 2000.
3. G. Agamben Profanations, Zone Books, Brooklyn, New York 2007.
4. D. Arsenijević Against Opportunistic Criticism, „Transversal” 11.2007, (data dostępu: 28.06.2016).
5. E. Balibar Is There a Neo-Racism?, w: Race, Nation, Class — Ambiguous Identities, red. E. Balibar, I. Wallerstein, Verso, London 1991, s. 17-28.
6. A. Bašić Trauma market, w: A. Bašić, Trauma Market, Omnibus, Sarajevo, s. 36.
7. W. Benjamin Theses on the Philosophy of History, w: Illuminations, Pimlico, London 1999, s. 245-256.
8. H.K. Bhabha Postcolonial Authority and Postmodern Guilt, w: Cultural Studies, red. L. Grossberg, C. Nelson, P.A. Treichler, Routledge, New York 1992, s. 56-66.
9. W. Brown Edgework, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ 2005.
10. W. Brown Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ 2006.
11. F. Duraković Srebrenica, w: F. Duraković, Locus minoris: Sklonost Bosni kao melanholiji, Connectum, Sarajevo 2007, s. 98.
12. S. Felman The Juridical Unconscious: Trials and Traumas in the Twentieth Century, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA 2002.
13. S. Freud, Mourning and Melancholia, w: S. Freud, On Metapyschology: The Theory of Psychoanalysis, vol. 2, Penguin, London 1991, s. 243-258.
14. R. Močnik Koliko fašizma?, Arkzin, Zagreb 1999.
15. Š. Šehabović, Ruvejda, w: Š. Šehabović, Priče-Ženski rod, množina, Nezavisne novine, Banja Luka 2007, s. 13-21.
16. D. Ugrešić, The Confiscation of Memory, w: D. Ugrešić The Culture of Lies, Phoenix House, London 1998, s. 217-235.
17. R. Williams Beyond Actually Existing Socialism, w: R. Williams, Culture and Materialism, Verso, London 2005, s. 252-275.
18. S. Žižek The Parallax View, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 2006, s. 382-383. ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2017.2.17
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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Oct 2, 2020
Mar 1, 2018
Edition name | Date |
Arsenijević D. - Odrodzić płeć kości: polityka pamięci w Bośni i Hercegowinie | Oct 2, 2020 |
Boriak, Tetiana
Hayden, Robert
Shatalov, Denys
Ashton, E. H. Flinn, R. M. Oxnard, C. E.
Pawłow, Irena Zajączkowski, Wojciech
Brown, C. R. Bernard, R. T. F.
Biknevicius, A. R.