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Title: The Introduction and Development of Plate Armour in Medieval Western Europe c. 1250-1350


Dowen, Keith

Date issued/created:


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Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae. Fasc. 30 (2017)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Polish Academy of Sciences. Łódź Branch

Place of publishing:



ill. ; 29 cm

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European underwent a period of rapid development and experimentation in the century after c. 1250. Whilst very little physical material has survived from this time, artistic depictions, wills, inventories and contemporary accounts attest to the use of metal plate defences much earlier than has commonly been assumed. By the turn of the 14th century, all the major elements of plate armour had been developed; with the subsequent half century seeing an increase in the quantity of plate worn on the battlefield. However, the development of plate armour was extremely erratic, and did not follow a simple linear progression. The stimuli for its development is still not fully understood. However, improvements to crossbow technology may have had a significant impact.


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Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae



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oai:rcin.org.pl:63756 ; doi:10.23858/FAH30.2017.002


IAiE PAN, call no. P III 348 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P III 349 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P III 368 ; click here to follow the link



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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Ministry of Science and Higher Education ; Activities popularizing science (DUN)





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