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Archeologia Polski T. 60 (2015) Z. 1-2
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The author discusses a Mesolithic sanctuary discovered in Bolków, dated to about 9350–9050 BP and associated with the oldest Duvensian occupation. It was a place of ceremonial rituals and magic linked with the beliefs of a local hunting community and related to different aspects of the natural environment and the forces of nature governing it. The main structural element was a structure of pinewood poles, 1.20 m high, a cluster of stones and an arrangement of sharpened yew points stuck into the ground, resembling the shape of the Big Dipper constellation. Offering deposits and numerous objects, some directly linked to ritual practices, accompanied these elements.
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2022
Mar 20, 2017
Edition name | Date |
Galiński, Tadeusz, 2015, Sanktuarium szamańskie z okresu mezolitu w Bolkowie nad jeziorem Świdwie na Pomorzu | Feb 4, 2022 |
Galiński, Tadeusz
Galiński, Tadeusz
Galiński, Tadeusz
Galiński, Tadeusz
Galiński, Tadeusz
Galiński, Tadeusz
Galiński, Tadeusz