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Zarząd Główny Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza ; Instytut Badań Literackich
24 cm ; Tekst pol., streszcz. ang.
1. M. Bachtin, Problemy poetyki Dostojewskiego, przeł. N. Modzelewska, Warszawa 1970.
2. M. Beller, J. Leerssen, Foreword, w: Imagology. The Cultural Construction and Literary Representation?, s. XIII-XIV.
3. M. Beller, Perception, image, imagology, w: Imagology. The Cultural Construction and Literary Representation of National Charakters. A Critical Survey, ed. by M. Beller i J. Leerssen, Amsterdam-New York 2007, s. 7.
4. H. Dyserinck, Komparatistik. Eine Einführung, Bonn 1977.
5. J. Leerssen, Imagology: History and Method, w: Imagology. The Cultural Construction and Literary Representation of National Charakters. A Critical Survey, ed. by M. Beller i J. Leerssen, Amsterdam-New York 2007, s. 65.
6. J. Leerssen, The Downward Pull of Cultural Essentialism, w: Image into Identity. Constructing and Assigning Identity in a Culture of Modernity, ed. by M. Wintle, Amsterdam-New York 2006, s. 31-50.
7. J. Leerssen, The Poetics and Anthropology of National Charakter (1500-2000), w: Imagology. The Cultural Construction and Literary Representation of National Charakters. A Critical Survey, ed. by M. Beller i J. Leerssen, Amsterdam-New York 2007, s. 65.
8. Tradycja wynaleziona, red. E. Hobsbawm i T. Ranger, przeł. M. Godyn, F. Godyń, Kraków 2008, s. 11. ; 2080-0851 ; 10.18318/wiekxix.2011.14
IBL PAN, call no. P.I.1269 ; click here to follow the link
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Adam Mickiewicz Literary Society
Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Ministry of Science and Higher Education ; Activities popularizing science (DUN)
Oct 2, 2020
Apr 4, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Wiśniewska L. - „Stoffgeschichte”, imagologia i konstruktywistyczne uprawomocnienia komparatystyki | Oct 2, 2020 |
Utracka, Dorota
Semper, Gottfried (1803–1879) Ekielski, Władysław (1855–1927)
Semper, Gottfried (1803–1879) Ekielski, Władysław (1855–1927)
Chromiński, Tomasz Sypniejewicz (1832–1862) Drukarnia Jana Psurskiego.