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Studia Obszarów Wiejskich = Rural Studies, t. 42
Agriculture is a very specific sector of the economy, significantly different from other economic activities. One of the main distinguishing characteristics of agricultural production is its nature and strong dependence on the environmental conditions. These conditions determine to a large extent, the nature of agricultural production and its structure (crop/animal). The accession of Poland to the EU in 2004 and access to EU funds (subsidies for farmers under different EU programs) often were the cause of change in the current profile of farm activities. Therefore, it seems reasonable to examine the changes in the specialization of agricultural production in Poland after 2004. The aim of this study is to answer the following questions: (1) Is there (and if, how strong) concentration of each of the main types of agricultural production in Poland, (2) What is the nature of this production in selected spatial units. The analysis was conducted based on data on the volume of commodity agricultural production in years 2004–2014, the data used in the study was derived from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office in Poland. Specialization was determined using the Krugman index of regional specialization.
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File size 1,2 MB ; application/pdf ; 1642-4689 ; 10.7163/SOW.42.16
CBGiOŚ. IGiPZ PAN, call no. Cz.4488 ; CBGiOŚ. IGiPZ PAN, call no. Cz.4489 ; click here to follow the link
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Jan 25, 2017
Kołodziejczak, Anna
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