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21 cm ; Tekst pol., streszcz. ang.
1. American Masculinities: a Historical Encyclopedia, ed. B.E. Carroll, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, London–New Delhi 2002.
2. Ch. Beasley, Mind the gap? Masculinity Studies and Contemporary Gender/Sexuality Thinking, „Australian Feminist Studies” 2013 vol. 28, no. 75.
3. Ch. Beasley, Problematizing Contemporary Men/Masculinities Theorizing: the Contribution of Raewyn Connell and Conceptual-Terminological Tensions Today, „The British Journal of Sociology” 2012 vol. 63, no. 4, s. 752.
4. T. Carrigan, B. Connell, J. Lee, Toward a New Sociology of Masculinity, „Theory and Society” 1985 vol. 14, no. 5, s. 580 i 581.
5. R.W. Connell, Masculinities, second edition, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles 2005, s. 24.
6. R.W. Connell, J. Hearn, M.S. Kimmel, Introduction, w: Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities, ed. M.S. Kimmel, J. Hearn, R.W. Connell, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, London–New Delhi 2005, s. 3.
7. R.W. Connell, J.W. Messerschmidt, Hegemonic Masculinity: Rethinking the Concept, „Gender & Society” 2005 vol. 19, no. 6, s. 842.
8. S. Garlick, What is a Man?: Heterosexuality and the Technology of Masculinity, „Men and Masculinities” 2003 no. 6, s. 159-160.
9. Ø. Gullvåg Holter, Social Theories for Researching Men and Masculinities: Direct Gender Hierarchy and Structural Inequality, w: Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities, ed. M.S. Kimmel, J. Hearn, R.W. Connell, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, London–New Delhi 2005, s. 19.
10. A. Hobbs, Masculinity Studies and Literature, „Literature Compass” 2013 no. 4 (10), s. 383.
11. International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities, ed. M. Flood, J. Kegan Gardiner, B. Pease, K. Pringle, Routledge, New York 2007.
12. V. Jeleniewski Seidler, Masculinities, Bodies and Emotional Life, „Men and Masculinities” 2007 no. 10, s. 11.
13.V. Jeleniewski Seidler, Transforming Masculinities. Men, cultures, bodies, power, sex and love, Routledge, London–New York 2006, s. 100.
14. M.S. Kimmel, Manhood in America. A Cultural History, second edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford–New York 2006, s. X.
15. M.S. Kimmel, The History of Men. Essays in the History of American and British Masculinities, State University of New York Press, Albany 2005, s. X.
16. M.S. Kimmel, M. Kaufman, Weekend Warriors: The New Men's Movement, w: The Politics of Manhood. Profeminist Men Respond to the Mythopoetic Men’s Movement (And the Mythopoetic Leaders Answer), ed. M.S. Kimmel, Temple University Press, Philadelphia 1995, s. 21.
17. R.F. Levant, The New Psychology of Men, „Professional Psychology: Research and Practice” 1996 vol. 27, no. 3, s. 259.
18. R.F. Levant, Toward the Reconstruction of Masculinity, „Journal of Family Psychology” March/June 1992 vol. 5, no. 3 & 4.
19. Men and Masculinities A Social, Cultural, and Historical Encyclopedia, eds. M. Kimmel, A. Aronson, Abe-Clio, Santa Barbara–Denver–Oxford 2004, s. XV.
20. Michael Kimmel, hasło w Wikipedii, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Kimmel (7.04.2015).
21. B. Pini, B. Pease, Gendering Methodologies in the Study of Men and Masculinities, w: Men, Masculinities and Methodologies, ed. B. Pini, B. Pease, Palgrave MacMillan, London–New York 2013, s. 1.
22. H.L. Sussman, Masculine Identities: The History and Meanings of Manliness, Praeger, Santa Barbara 2012, s. 1.
23. N. Wedgwood, Connell’s theory of masculinity – its Origins and Influences on the Study of Gender, „Journal of Gender Studies” 2009 vol. 18, no. 4.
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