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Przegląd Geograficzny T. 88 z. 3 (2016)
The assessment of climatic as well as bioclimatic conditions should consist of the analysis of a set of meteorological elements which provides information on current weather conditions. Such an analysis of weather conditions allows for determination of the influence of the whole set of meteorological elements on the human body, in particular when the bioclimatic indices are calculated on the basis of the human heat balance. The paper concerns the assessment of weather conditions in central-western Poland in terms of tourism and recreation, made with the use of biothermal-meteorological weather classification including weather types, subtypes and classes. The calculations were made on the basis of meteorological data of second measurement date (12 UTC) in the period 1971-2006. In the analysed period, there were from 112 (Gorzów Wlkp.) to 130 (Słubice, Koło) types of weather recorded. Among all determined weather types, the 20 which were most commonly observed determined the weather conditions on more than 80% of days in a year. On the basis of the adopted bio-thermal-and-meterorological classification, a seasonal regularity of weather conditions occurrence was shown. The conducted analyses have shown that the highest variety of weather conditions was observed in summer, followed closely by spring and autumn, and the least in winter. The periods of different suitability for the selected forms of recreations, as identified with the use of WEI index, can be useful for planning and optimal spending of one’s leisure time outdoors on the area of central-western Poland. Two periods most favourable for sunbathing were identified i.e., from the second decade of April to the first decade of June, and from the first decade of August to the end of the fi rst decade of October. The most favourable conditions for air bathing occurred in Poznań, and the worst in Zielona Góra and Leszno, where the favourable conditions were found only in the first and second decade of May. The analysis of weather conditions showed that in the case of air bathing (AR), the favourable conditions were found from the beginning of the third decade of April to the first decade of October on most of the analysed area, and in Poznań and Słubice till the second decade of October. As for moderate recreation, favourable weather conditions were identified on 74% of days in a year with the maximum in April and October. In the case of active reaction, conditions identified on the basis of the index as favourable or very favourable occurred throughout the year.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Jun 28, 2021
Oct 18, 2016
Pecelj, Milica Błażejczyk, Anna Vagić, Nemanja Ivanović, Peca
Mąkosza, Agnieszka Nidzgorska-Lencewicz, Jadwiga
Matuszko, Dorota Piotrowicz, Katarzyna
Kozłowska-Szczęsna, Teresa (1931– ) Krawczyk, Barbara (1935– ) Błażejczyk, Krzysztof