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Frühmittelalterliche Waagen aus Szczecin ; Przegląd Archeologiczny T. 47 (1999)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The earliest balances, dated from half of the 9th to the beginning of the 10th century, appeared in Szczecin on Wzgórze Zamkowe. On the Odra’s district the first ones are dated on half of the 10th century. From a period considering one of the greatness in Szczecin’s medieval history, merchant artefacts becomes noticeable on both „upper” and „lower” parts of city in comparable intensity. At that time the growth of the Odras district’s role is noticed. In levels from the 2nd half of the 12th century the merchant activity is certified only by some weights on suburbium areas. Differences between „older” and „younger” districts in theireconomic function in the half of the 13th century are well visible. Those time merchant artefacts disappeared in levels on Wzgórze Zamkowe. The characteristic feature of some balances is the incision of cubic edges. Unusual ending of one type I balance allowed todistinguish variant Id. Complete balance from the eastern part of the city is situated between II and III types ; 0079-7138
IAiE PAN, call no. P III 149 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P III 272 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P III 353 ; click here to follow the link
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Ministry of Science and Higher Education ; Activities popularizing science (DUN)
Feb 2, 2022
Nov 2, 2016
Edition name | Date |
Kowalska, Anna Bogumiła, 1999, Wczesnośredniowieczne wagi ze Szczecina | Feb 2, 2022 |
Kowalska, Anna Bogumiła
Cnotliwy, Eugeniusz
Rulewicz, Marian (1928– )
Leciejewicz, Lech (1931–2011)
Dzięczkowski, Andrzej
Wieczorkowski, Tadeusz
Zaremba, Piotr (1910–1993)
Dworaczyk, Marek