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Journal of Urban Ethnology 13 (2015)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
The text focuses on the image of the Łódź workers’ housing estates in literature. The subject of analysis are works of fiction, written both by writers of the local Łódź fame and authors whose output now belongs to the literary canon. Władysław Stanisław Reymont, Israel Joshua Singer, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Israel Rabon, Artur Gliszczyński, Wincenty Kosiakiewicz, Marian Gawalewicz, Waleria Marrene-Morzkowska, Kazimierz Laskowski, Władysław Rowiński and other writers all described the phenomenon of the working-class Łódź with its housing estates, but they based their descriptions on dissimilar experiences, and produced them at various moments of its development and from diverse perspectives. The article addresses such aspects of the workers’ housing estates as the workers’ houses, factories, palaces of the industrialists, the living and working conditions of workers, and how they spent their free time. The paper also discusses the most tragic form of a housing estate – one established under duress for the Jewish population in Łódź in the working-class district of Bałuty, namely the ghetto
Enzensberger H. M. 1997, Ach, Europa, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main
Galewicz M. 2008, Wir, [w:] Boczkowski (red.), Łódź, która przeminęła w publicystyce i prozie, Pictor, Łódź, s. 399-492
Gliszczyński A., Mieszkowski A. 2008, Łódź – miasto i ludzie, [w:] Boczkowski P. (red.), Łódź, która przeminęła w publicystyce i prozie, Pictor, Łódź, s. 7-38
Laskowski K. 2008, Lokaut, [w:] Boczkowski P. (red.), Łódź, która przeminęła w publicystyce i prozie, Pictor, Łódź, s. 499-532
Łapiński S. 2008, Tkacz, [w:] Boczkowski P. (red.), Łódź, która przeminęła w publicystyce i prozie, Pictor, Łódź, s. 47-52
Marrene-Morzkowska W. 2008, Wśród kąkolu, [w:] Boczkowski P. (red.), Łódź, która przeminęła w publicystyce i prozie, Pictor, Łódź, s. 171-266
Rabon I. 1999,, Bałuty, „Midrasz”, nr 6, s. 23-24
Reymont W.S. 2007, Ziemia obiecana, TMM Polska, Warszawa
Rosenfeld O. 1994, Wozu noch Welt? Aufzeichnungen aus dem Lodzer Getto, Neue Kritik, Frankfurt am Main
Rowiński W. 2008, Julka, [w:] Boczkowski P. (red.), Łódź, która przeminęła w publicystyce i prozie, Pictor, Łódź, s. 53-148
Sierakowiak D. 1960, Dziennik, Iskry, Warszawa
Singer I. J. 1992, Bracia Aszkenazy, Sagitta S. C., Warszawa ; 1429-0618
IAiE PAN, call no. P 714 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 1505 ; click here to follow the link
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Radziszewska, Krystyna, 2015, Literackie obrazy łódzkich osiedli robotniczych | Apr 11, 2021 |
Tomczok, Marta
Jastrząb, Mariusz (1973– )
(Młodkowska) Janczewska, Marta