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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. J. Baetens, H. Frey, The graphic novel: an introduction, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2015.
2. R. Duncan, M. J. Smith, The power of comics: history, form, and culture, Continuum, New York–London 2009.
3. M. Garapich, Between cooperation and hostility – constructions of ethnicity and social class among Polish migrants in London, „Studia Sociologica” 2012 nr IV, s. 31-45.
4. M. Gott, T. Schilt, Introduction, w: Open roads, closed borders: the contemporary French-language road movie, red. M. Gott i T. Schilt, Intellect, Bristol 2013, s. 1-17.
5. M. Gott, West/East crossings: positive travel in post-1989 French-language cinema, w: European cinema after the wall. Screening east-west mobility, red. L. Engelen i K. Van Heuckelom, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham 2014, s. 1-17.
6. Y. Loshitzky, Screening strangers: migration and diaspora in contemporary European cinema, Indiana University Press, Bloomington 2010.
7. R. Modan, The property, Drawn & Quarterly, New York 2013.
8. P. Nappi, E. Stańczyk, Women cross borders: economic migration in contemporary Italian and Polish graphic novels, „Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics” 2015 nr 3, s. 230-245.
9. Polski komiks kobiecy, red. K. Kuczyńska, timof comics, Warszawa 2012.
10. J. Rostek, Migration, capital, space: econotopic constellations in recent literature about Polish migrants in Ireland”, w: Anglistentag 2012: proceedings, red. K. Röder i I. Wischer, WVT, Trier 2013, s. 47-60.
11. S. Savoia, M. Sowa, Marzi. L’intégrale, Editions Dupuis, Paris 2008.
12. E. Stańczyk, ‘Long live Poland!’: representing the past in Polish comic books, „Modern Language Review” 2014 nr 1, s. 186-206.
13. K. Van Heuckelom, Polishness in crisis? Migration and inter-ethnic coupling, w: Polish literature in transformation, red. Ursula Phillips przy współpracy z K. A. Grimstadem i K. Van Heuckelom, LIT, Berlin 2013, s. 51-68.
14. A. Wawryniuk, Rozmówki polsko-angielskie, Gniew Kultury, Warszawa 2012. ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2016.3.5
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Oct 2, 2020
Jul 12, 2016
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