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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 44 (2006)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
The ethnogenesis of the Slavs is an issue extensively discussed in the literature of the subject, due to the significance of this population group for the history of Europe. In archaeo-logy, disputes on the ethnogenesis of the Slavs have been going on for many years. The existing differences of opinions may be summed up in two hypotheses: autochthonous and allochthonous. Archaeology alone is not capable of answering questions on the ethnic belong-ing of separate cultures and cultural groups. On the other hand, anthropology with its specific methodology and the means of choosing a set of traits universal over a broad range of time and space can provide many answers. This paper presents the conclusions from our research, the results of which support the autochthonous model calling for the cradle of the Slavs to be placed in the basins of the Oder and Vistula rivers at the turn of the eras
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Dąbrowski, R. 2004. Zróżnicowanie antropologiczne populacji ludzkich z dorzecza Odry i Wisły w okresie wpływów rzymskich i we wczesnym średniowieczu. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Institute of Anthro-pology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Kozak-Zychman, W. 1996. Charakterystyka antropologiczna ludności Lubelszczyzny z młodszego okresu rzymskiego. Lublin
Mamzer, H. 1999. Problem etniczny w archeologii. Slavia Antiqua 40: 169—201
Piontek, J. 1979. Procesy mikroewolucyjne w europejskich populacjach ludzkich. Poznań
Piontek, J. 1993. Rekonstrukcja historycznego procesu etnogenezy Słowian. Model adaptacyjny. Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia 5: 13—36. Wierciński, A. 1973. Aktualny stan badań nad etnogenezą Słowian w antropologii. Slavia Antiqua 20: 15-27
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Mar 3, 2023
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