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Opinions on three gas pipeline projects—Nord Stream, South Stream and Nabucco in five European countries: Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria are analysed. In Germany there is a consensus that Nord Stream is good for Germany, Russia and Europe; objections of other countries against it are not taken as a serious problem. There is a controversy concerning economic viability and political purposefulness of Nabucco. In Italy the government and business support South Stream and are sceptical about Nabucco while some experts express concern of detrimental effects of South Stream on Nabucco and on solidarity in the EU. In the central European countries there is a conviction that Nord Stream and South Stream are elements of geopolitical game of Russia and that it would be advantageous for the to participate in both South Stream and in Nabucco.
1. Aktívabb amerikai Nabucco-politika várható, Kitekintő, Hungary, (31 October 2008).
2. Birger, N. (2009) Die Reise der Rohre, Welt On Line, Germany.
3. Comisia Europeană nu se opune participării României la South Stream, dar sprijină Nabucco, Adevărul, Romania, (29 October 2008).
4. Das große Spiel ums Gas,, Germany, (13. July 2009).
5. Dobravie, M. (2008), Gerhard Schröder, avocatul Rusiei în România, Adevărul, Romania, (13 November 2008).
6. Fischer keilt gegen Schröder,, Germany, (28 September 2009).
7. Gazovata kriza podčertava značenieto na "Nabuko", tvyrdi bylgarski evrodeputat, Dnevnik, Bulgaria, (17 January, 2009 ).
8. Gazprom niama da ostavi azerski gaz za Evropa, Dnevnik, Bulgaria, (30 March, 2009).
9. Golemi evročlenki ne se interesuvat ot "Nabuko", zajavi češkijat prenier, "Dnevnik", Bularia, (26 January 2009)
10. Moscova vorbeşte nimeşte, Azi, Romania, (13 November 2008).
11. Moskau nutzt seine Energie nicht als Waffe,, Germany, (8 October 2009).
12. Russland ist ein zuverlässiger Partner,, Germany, (3 September 2008).
13. Simonia: A Nabucco és a Déli Áramlat nem versenytársak! Kitekintő, Hungary, (13 November 2008).
14. Varga, T. (2008), Fogalmazzák az Északi Áramlat halálos ítéletét, Kitekintő, Hungary (18 November 2008).
15. Vetturini, F. (2009) Il pendolo verso Mosca, Corriere della Sera, Italy (20 October, 2009).
File size 0,5 MB ; application/pdf ; 1429-7132 ; 10.7163/Eu21.2010.21.10
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
European Union. European Regional Development Fund ; Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure
Mar 25, 2021
Aug 13, 2015
Edition name | Date |
Szul R. - The game of pipelines. Opinions on projects of pipelines in european newspapers | Mar 25, 2021 |
Kastory, Andrzej (1939– )
Znamierowska-Rakk, Elżbieta
Kus, Adrianna
Rosen-Zawadzki, Kazimierz