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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Urban networks in Europe: policies, practices, outcomes


Rossignolo, Cristiana

Date issued/created:


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Europa XXI 19 (2009)



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29 cm

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Over the past twenty years urban “networking” has become a rule of behaviour in the European Union. This article concerns the development of urban networks within the European urban geography. Urban networks have an important role in disseminating a development model for urban areas by bringing together a diverse range of cities around common problems in order to create common understandings of how to address these problems—the new ‘conventional wisdom’. These networks have also developed a range of different methods “to be active” in order to achieve different territorial outcomes. In that sense, which are the outcomes of those cities that have shown a strong “aptitude in urban networking”?


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Europa XXI



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oai:rcin.org.pl:55816 ; 1429-7132 ; 10.7163/Eu21.2008.19.1


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