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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
The author describes the traditional music of Podhale, focusing primarily on its twentieth-century history. He also refers to the contemporary changes in this kind of music. The author shows both the relationship between music and identity, highlanders’ customs, as well as the influence of the music on the works of professional artists. Referring to the ethno-musicological methodology, on the examples of certain compositions, the author analyses types of musical forms from the Podhale region, their characteristics and styles. He compares the music of Podhale with the compositions of other ethnic groups
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Chybiński A. 1961. O źródłach i rozpowszechnieniu dwudziestu melodii ludowych na Skalnym Podhalu. In L. Bielawski (ed.), O polskiej muzyce ludowej. Wybór prac etnograficznych. Kraków, 113–142
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Chybiński A. 1961. Przegląd dotychczasowych badań nad muzyką ludową na Podhalu. In L. Bielawski (ed.), O polskiej muzyce ludowej. Wybór prac etnograficznych. Kraków, 166–185
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 2, 2022
Jul 15, 2015
Edition name | Date |
Juzala, Gustaw, 2014, The Traditional Music of Podhale | Feb 2, 2022 |
Juzala-Deprati, Gustaw
Pietrzak-Thébault, Joanna
Orgelbrand, Michał
Engelking, Anna (1959– )