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Poręba, Grzegorz J.
Śnieszko, Zbigniew
Moska, Piotr
Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 64 (2012)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
This study presents the results of Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of colluvial sedimentprofiles from Biedrzykowice and Świerklany in the archaeologically well documented loess area of southernPoland, The method, the criteria for site selection and the limitations of the interpretation of the dates obtainedare discussed. It is shown that Holocene colluvial sediments containing grains of quartz can be approximatelydated using OSL. Despite its many limitations, it remains the only method suitable for direct dating of colluvialsediments. The obtained OSL dates are consistent with the archaeological evidence. The Biedrzykowice profile,located 6 km from the Neolithic settlement at Bronocice, contains two layers of Holocene colluvial sediments.The older layer, OSL dated to 6–5 ka BP, is separated from the younger, medieval layer dated to 1,0–0,5 ka BPby a fossil soil. In Świerklany, where there are no known prehistoric settlements, the accumulation of colluvialsediments only started in the medieval period. The OSL dating confirms earlier assumptions that in naturalHolocene ecosystems in loess areas of the moderate climate forest zones, mineral material was not transportedby slope wash, or only to a minimal extent. This work is the first direct isotopic dating of colluvial sediments inPoland
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Poręba G. J., Śnieszko Z. and Moska P. In Press. Influence of pedon history and washing nature on luminescence dating of Holocene colluvium on the example of research on the Polish loess areas. Quaternary International. Starkel L. (ed.) 1997. Rola gwałtownych ulew w ewolucji rzeźby Wyżyny Miechowskiej (na przykładzie ulewy w dniu 15 września 1995 roku) (= Dokumentacja Geograficzna 8). Wrocław: IGIPZ PAN
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IAiE PAN, sygn. P 243 ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P 244 ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P 245 ; click here to follow the link
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Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Biblioteka Instytutu Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
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