RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Niektóre problemy poetyki Bachtina


Ulicka, Danuta ORCID

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Teksty Drugie Nr 6 (2001)



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21 cm ; Tekst pol.

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1. M. Aucouturier, The Theory of the Novel in Russia in the 1930: Lukacs and Bakhtin, w: The Russian Novel from Puskhin to Pasternak, ed. J. Garrard, New Haven and London 1983.
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26. V. Liapunov, Art and answerability: Early Philosophical Essays by M.M. Bakhtin, ed. M. Holquist and V. Liapunov, Austin 1990.
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33. R. M. Roberts, Poetics - Hermeneutics - Dialogics: Bakhtin and Paul de Man, w: Rethinking Bakhtin: Extensions and Challenges, eds. G. S. Morson and C. Emerson, Evanston 1989.
34. G. Steiner, At the carnival of language, "Times Literary Supplement" July 17, 1981.
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37. T. Todorova, Mikhail Bakhtin: The Dialogical Principle, tłum. W. Godzich, Manchester 1984.
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46. B. Żyłka, Michał Bachtin. W kręgu filozofii języka i literatury, Gdańsk 1994.


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Ulicka D. - Niektóre problemy poetyki Bachtina Sep 21, 2021


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