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Annales Zoologici, vol. 50, no 2
Polska Akademia Nauk. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii
Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN
Incorrect ISSN 0001-6454 ; Bibliogr. p. 182-183 ; P. 177-182 : ill. ; 24 cm
Bursaphelenchus paracorneolus sp. nov. (Nematoda, Parasitaphelenchidae) from coniferous wood in Germany and remarks on its biology and distribution. Bursaphelenchus paracorneolus sp. nov. was found in spruce and pine wood within the Bavarian Forest and near Potsdam in Germany. The new species is of medium size, females and males averaging 665μm and 610 μm in length, respectively. It is characterized by an a-value of 28 and amean stylet length of 13 μm. The lateral field shows 3 lines. The female tail is ventrally curved, tapering gradually to the end and has sometimes a mucro. The relatively stout paired spicules measuring 1315 μm have arelatively blunt rostrum and aprominent cucullus. One postanal pair, one adanal pair of caudal papillae and a single papilla in front of the anus are present. A short bursa, best seen in dorsoventral view, surrounds the end of the male tail. The new species can easily be multiplied on Botrytis cinereaon malt agar. It was also found in larch wood imported from Irkutsk, Russia. Inoculation tests with B. paracorneolus sp. nov. onto Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris in a climate chamber at 25°C have shown that this species is not pathogenic.
MiIZ PAN, call no. patrz sygn. czas. P.255, vol 50, no 2 ; MiIZ PAN, call no. patrz sygn. czas. P.4314, vol 50, no 1 ; click here to follow the link
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Sep 24, 2015
Brzeski, Michał Wacław Baujard, Pierre
Abolafia Cobaleda, Joaquín Penña Santiago, Reyes
Soldán, Tomáš Godunko, Roman J.
Winiszewska-Ślipińska, Grażyna
Borowski, Jerzy Węgrzynowicz, Piotr
Hołyński, Roman B.
Bazyluk, Władysław (1910–1988)
Brzeski, Michał Wacław (1937–1999) Brzeski, Jan Wojciech Polska Akademia Nauk. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii