RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Modernizm literacki: niejasność terminu i dychotomia kierunku


Możejko, Edward

Date issued/created:


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Teksty Drugie Nr 5-6 (1994)



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21 cm

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1. B. Baran, Postmodernizm, Kraków 1992.
2. Ch. Butler, Early Modernism. Literature, Music and Painting in Europe 1900-1916, Oxford 1994, s. 318.
3. M. Calinescu, Five Faces of Modernity. Modernity. Modernism. Avant-Garde. Decadence. Kitsch. Postmodernism, Durham 1987, s. 359.
4. Classical Models in Literature, eds. Z. Konstantinović, W. Anderson, W. Dietze, Insbruck 1981, s. 304.
5. N.J. Davidsone, El Concepto de modernismo en la critica hispanica, Buenos Aires 1971, s. 106.
6. T.S. Eliot, What Is a Classic?, w: On Poetry and Poets, New York, s. 58.
7. A. Eysteinsson, The Concept of Modernism, Ithaca-London 1990, s. 265.
8. D. Fokkema, E. Ibsch, Modernist Conjectures. A mainstream in European Literature 1910-1940, London 1987, s. 330.
9. N. Gumilow, Żizn'sticha, w: Sobranije soczinienij, Washington 1968, s. 163.
10. F. Kermode, The Classic. Literary Images of Permanence and Change, New York 1975, s. 141.
11. G. Lukacs, The Meaning of Contemporary Realism, tr. N. Mander, London 1969, s. 17-92.
12. G. Lukacs, Wieder den missverstandenen Realismus, Hamburg 1958.
13. B. McHale, Postmodernist Fiction, New York-London 1987, s. 5.
14. O. Mandelsztam, O prirode słowa, w: Sobranije soczinienij w dwuch tomach, eds. G.P. Struve, B.A. Filippow, New York 1966, s. 301.
15. O. Mandelsztam, Słowo i kultura, w: Sobranije soczinienij, t. 2, New York 1971, s. 227.
16. Modernism 1890-1930, ed. M. Bradbury, J. McFarlane, Harmondsworth, Middlesex 1976, s. 684.
17. Modernizm. Analiz i kritika osnownych naprawlenij, red. W.W. Wanslow, M.N. Sokolow, Moskwa 1987, s. 9-27.
18. E. Możejko, M. Dimić, Romantic irony in Polish Literature and Criticism, w: Romantic Irony, ed. F. Garber, Budapest 1988, s. 225-240.
19. E. Możejko, On the Edge of Reason. The Writing of Miroslav Krida, „World Literature Today", t. 57 (1983) nr 1, s. 30.
20. E. Możejko, Slavic Literatures as a Distinct Subject of Study: The Case of Romanticism, w: Littérature comparée/Litterature mondiale. Comparative Literature/World Literature, ed. G. Gillespie, New York-Bern-Frankfurt/Main-Paris 1991, s. 201-212.
21. V. Nemoianu, Following the Classic: Layers of Stylistic Mimesis, w: Mimesis in Contemporary Theory: An Interdisciplinary Approach, ed. M. Spariousu, Vol. 1: The Literary and Philosophical Debate, Philadelphia-Amsterdam 1984, s. 209.
22. V. Nemoianu, The Taming of Romanticism. Literature and the Age of Biedermeier, Harvard University Press 1984, s. 302.
23. R. Nycz, Literatura postmodernistyczna a mimesis, w: Po strukturalizmie. Współczesne badania teoretycznoliterackie, pod red. R. Nycza, Wrocław 1992, s. 173-174.
24. R. Poggioli, The Theory of the Avant-Garde, tr. G. Fitzgerald, Cambridge-Massachusetts-London 1968, s. 8.
25. Russian Modernism. Culture and the Avant-Garde. 1900-1930, cds. G. Gibian, W. Tjalsma, Ithaca-London 1976.
26. L. Surette, The Birth of Modernism. Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, W. B. Yeats and the Occult, Montreal & Kingston, London 1993, s. 320.
27. J. Weisgerber, Les avant-gardes littéraires au XX siécle, vol. I: Histoire; vol. II: Theorie, Budapest 1984.


Teksty Drugie



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oai:rcin.org.pl:69256 ; 0867-0633


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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS

Projects co-financed by:

Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund



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