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1. D. Attridge, Introduction: Derrida and the Questioning of Literature, w: J. Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed. D. Attridge, New York 1992, s. 16-17.
2. B. Banasiak, Filozofia „końca filozofii". Dekonstrukcja Jacques'a Derridy, Warszawa 1995.
3. J. Derrida, La dissemination, Paris 1972, s. 11.
4. J. Derrida, De l'économie restreinte a l'économie générale. Un hegelianisme sans réserve, w: L'écriture et la différence, Paris 1967, s. 377.
5. J. Derrida, Some statements and truisms about neologisms, newisms, postisms, parasitisms, and other small seismisms, w: The States of „theory". History, art, and critical discourse, ed. D. Carrol, New York 1990, s. 74, 75-76.
6. J. Derrida, This Strange Institution Called Literature: An Interview with Jacques Derrida, w: J. Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed. D. Attridge, New York 1992, s. 51.
7. M. P. Markowski, Efekt inskrypcji. Jacques Derrida i literatura, Bydgoszcz 1997. ; 0867-0633
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Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Sep 21, 2021
Apr 12, 2018
Edition name | Date |
Kłosiński K. - Dla M. P. M. | Sep 21, 2021 |