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1. G. Lakoff, M. Turner, More than Cool Reason, University Press, Chicago 1987.
2. A. Wierzbicka, Lingua Mentalis, Academic Press, Sydney, 1980.
3. A. Wierzbicka, Cups and Mugs's: Lexicography and Conceptual Analysis, "Australian Journal of Linguistics" 1984, nr 4, s. 205—255.
4. A. Wierzbicka, 'Apples' Are Not a 'Kind of Fruit': the Semantics of Human Categorization, "American Ethnologist" nr 11, s. 313—328.
5. A. Wierzbicka, Oats and Wheat: The Fallacy of Arbitrariness, w: J. Haiman, Iconicity in Syntax, Benjamins, Amsterdam 1985, s. 311—342.
6. A. Wierzbicka, The Meaning of a Case: A Study of the Polish Dative, w: R. D. Brecht, J. S. Levine, Case in Slavic, Slavica, Columbus 1986, s. 386—426. ; 0867-0633
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Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Jan 18, 2023
Apr 20, 2022
Edition name | Date |
Tabakowska E. - Język - niezawodne zwierciadło | Jan 18, 2023 |
Bartmiński, Jerzy
Goszczyńska, Aleksandra
Siatkowski, Janusz (1929– )