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1. D. Allegra, Between the Sheets: My Sex Life in Literature, w: The Cutting Edge: Lesbian Life and Literature, New York and London 1995.
2. M. Digandi, The Homoerotics of early modern Drama, Cambridge University Press 1997.
3. L. Faderman, Surpasing the Love of Men. Romantic Friendship and Love Between Women from the Renaissance to the Present. With a New Introduction by the Author, New York 1998.
4. Feminist Literary Theory. Second Edition. Ed. by M. Eagleton, Mulden 1996, s. XII.
5. S.M. Gilbert, S. Gubar, The Madwoman in the Attic. The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination, New Haven and London University Press 1984.
6. P. Hammond, Love between Men in English Literature. Reader in Seventeenth-Century Literature University of Leeds, London 1996.
7. A. Kolodny, Dancing Throught the Minefield: Some Observations on the Theory, Pracice and Politics of a Feminist Literary Criticism Feminist Studies, w: Feminist Literary Theory. Second Edition. Ed. by M. Eagleton, Mulden 1996, s. 251.
8. T. Lowell, Consuming Fiction, Verso, 1987.
9. A. Łebkowska, Czy „płeć" może uwieść poetykę?, w: Poetyka bez granic, red. W. Bolecki, W. Tomasik, Warszawa 1995.
10. A. Rich, On Lies, Secrets, and Silence. Selected Prose 1966-78, New York, London 1979.
11. G. Ritz, Jerzy Andrzejewski. Maski pożądania i ich funkcja w poetyce powieści, przeł. A. Kopacki, w: Pogranicza wrażliwości w literaturze dawnej oraz współczesnej. Cz. I Miłość, pod red. I. Iwasiów i P. Urbańskiego, Szczecin 1998.
12. G. Ritz, Niewypowiadalne pożądanie a poetyka narracji, przeł. A. Kopacki, w: Literatura wobec niewyrażalnego, praca zbiorowa pod red. W. Boleckiego i E. Kuźmy, Warszawa 1997.
13. M. Rocke, Forbidden Friendships. Homosexuality and Male Culture in Renaissance Florence, Oxford University Press, New York 1996.
14. J. Russ, To write Like a Women: Essays in Feminism and Science Fiction, Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis 1995, s. XV.
15. B.R. Smith, Homosexual Desire in Shakespeare's England. A Cultural Poetics. With a new Preface, The University of Chicago Press 1994.
16. D. Spender, Mothers of the Novel. 100 good Women Writers before Jane Austen, London 1986.
17. A. Steward, Close Readers. Humanism and Sodomy in early modern England, Princeton, New Jersey 1997. ; 0867-0633
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Oct 4, 2023
Sep 16, 2016
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Iwasiów I. - Gatunki i konfesje w badaniach "gender" | Oct 4, 2023 |