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1. M.A. Caws, A Metapoetics of the Passage: Architextures in Surrealism and After, Hanover, University Press of New England 1981, s. XIV-XV.
2. C.S. Enloe, The Morning After: Sexual Politics at the End of the Cold War, Berkeley, University of California Press 1993.
3. R.S. Esbenshade, Remembering to Forget: Memory, History, National Identity in Postwar East-Central Europe, w: Idenifying Histories: Eastern Europe Before and After 1989, „Representations", winter 1995, s. 72-90.
4. E. Grosz, Bodies-Cities. Sexuality and Space. Princeton Papers Architecture, ed. B. Colomina, Princeton 1992, s. 242-243.
5. E. Hoffman, Lost in Translation: A Life in a New Language, New York, Penguin Books 1989.
6. J. Kosiński, Cockpit, przekł. M. Michałowska, Warszawa 1992, s. 25 i 44-45.
7. J. Kosiński, Nowy Jork - w oczach pisarza, przekł. H. Cieplińska, w: tenże Przechodząc obok, Warszawa 1994.
8. J. Kosiński, Śmierć w Cannes, przekł. W. Piasecki, w: tenże Przechodząc obok, Warszawa 1994.
9. J. Kristeva, New Maladies of the Soul, trans. R. Buberman, New York, Columbia University Press 1996, s. 27.
10. A. i M. Kroker, Ideology and Power in the Age of Lenin in Ruins, New York, St. Martin's Press 1991. s.X.
11. M. Lewis, What Is to Be Done? Art and Politics after the Fall..., w: Ideology and Power in the Age of Lenin in Ruins, eds. A. i M. Kroker, New York, St. Martin's Press 1991, s. 6.
12. E. Matuszewska, Ameryka Europy. Rozmowa z Jerzym Kosińskim, „Tygodnik Solidarność" 1990 nr 41, s. 17.
13. n.a. Od akademii do kasyna, „Gazeta Wyborcza" 1995 nr 169.
14. S.E. Rasmussen, Experiencing Architecture, Cambridge, MIT Press 1964, s. 10.
15. I. Rév, Introduction, Idenifying Histories: Eastern Europe Before and After 1989, „Representations", winter 1995, s. 8-9.
16. R. Starn, Introduction, w: Idenifying Histories: Eastern Europe Before and After 1989, „Representations", winter 1995, s. 13.
17. S.R. Suleiman, Risking Who One Is: Encounters with Contemporary Art And Literature. Cambridge, Harvard University Press 1994, s. 2-3.
18. M. Szczygieł, Kamienny kwiat, „Gazeta Wyborcza" 1991 nr 229.
19. A. Tarkhanov, S. Kaviaradze, Architecture of the Stalin Era, designed and compiled by M. Anikst, New York, Rizzoli 1992.
20. R. Thomas, Stalin's Skyscraper, „Architektural Design" 1996 nr 119, s. VIII-XI.
21. L.K. Weisman, Discrimination by Design: A Feminist Critique of the Man-Made Environment, Chicago, University of Illinois Press 1992, s. 2.
22. M.J. Zaborowska, Lire l'esprit post-totalitaire (Engendre l'autre de l'Europe de l'Ouest), w: Memoire des Dechets essais sur la culture et la valeur du passe (Memory of Waste: Objects and Images in the Economy of the Past); ed. C. Dionne, B. Neville, J. Villeneuve, trans. J. Villeneuve, Quebec, Nuit Blanche 1988. ; 0867-0633
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Oct 2, 2020
Jul 20, 2016
Edition name | Date |
Zaborowska M. J. - Pałac Kultury i Nauki - widok z Ameryki | Oct 2, 2020 |
Nycz, Ryszard
Nycz, Ryszard
Ubertowska, Aleksandra