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1. N. Baym, The Madwoman and Her Languages - Why I Don't Do Feminist Literary Theory, w: Feminisms - an Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism, ed. by R.R. Warhol and D. Price Herndl, Houndmills 1997, s. 285.
2. S. de Beauvoir, France: Feminism - Alive, Well, and in Constant Danger, w: Sisterhood is Global. The International Women's Movement Anthology, ed. by R. Morgan, Garden City, New York 1984, s. 234.
3. G. Borkowska, Cudzoziemki, Warszawa 1999, s. 13.
4. Ciało i tekst. Feminizm w literaturoznawstwie - antologia szkiców, red. A. Nasiłowska, Warszawa 2001.
5. J. Fetterley, On the Politics of Literature, w: Feminisms - an Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism, ed. by R.R. Warhol and D. Price Herndl, Houndmills 1997, s. 570.
6. J. Marcus, Storming the Toolshed, w: Feminisms - an Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism, ed. by R.R. Warhol and D. Price Herndl, Houndmills 1997, s. 263.
7. J. Russ, Aesthetics, w: Feminisms - an Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism, ed. by R.R. Warhol and D. Price Herndl, Houndmills 1997, s. 112.
8. E. Showalter, A Literature of Their Own, Princeton, New Yersey 1999, s. XXVII.
9. D. Spender, Twórczość czy płeć, „OŚKa. Pismo Ośrodka Środowisk Kobiecych" 1999 nr 1(6), s. 65. ; 0867-0633
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Oct 2, 2020
Sep 23, 2015
Edition name | Date |
Spychalska M. - Znikająca kobieta i feministyczne śledztwo | Oct 2, 2020 |
Borkowska, Grażyna