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Title: "Suffisant lecteur", ryzyko, pułapki i niebezpieczeństwa. Wstęp do lektury "Prób" Montaigne’a


Sendyka, Roma

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Teksty Drugie Nr 4 (2005)



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21 cm

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1. W.H. Auden, Collected Poems, London 1991, s. 301-302.
2. E. Auerbach, L’Humaine condition, w: Mimesis. Rzeczywistość przedstawiona w literaturze Zachodu, przeł. Z. Zabicki, Warszawa 1968.
3. C.M. Bauschatz, Montaigne’s Conception of Reading in the Context of Renaissance Poetics and Modern Criticism, w: The Reader in the Text, ed. S.R. Suleiman, I. Crosman, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1980.
4. M. Beaujour, Poetics of Literary Self-Portrait, tr. Y. Milos, New York University Press, New York 1991.
5. B.C. Bowen, The Age of Bluff: Paradox and Ambiguity in Rabelais and Montaigne, University of Illinois Press, Urbana 1972.
6. T. Cave, The Cornucopian Text. Problems of Writing in the French Renaissance, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1979.
7. R. Colie, The Resources of the Kind. Genre - Theory in the Renaissance, University of California Press, Berkeley 1973.
8. R.D. Cottrell, Sexuality/Textuality. A Study of the Fabric of Montaigne’s „Essais”, Ohio State University Press, Columbus 1981.
9. Emerson in His Journals, ed. by J. Porte, Belknap Press for Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass 1982, s. 139.
10. H. Friedrich, Montaigne, Francke Verlag, Tübingen-Basel 1993.
11. W. Gombrowicz, Ostatni wywiad, w: tegoż, Dziennik 1967-1969, Kraków 1992, s. 178-179.
12. G. Good, The Observing Self. Rediscovering the Essay, Routledge, London-New York 1988.
13. W.W. Holdheim, The Hermeneutic Mode. Essays on Time in Literature and Literary Theory, Cornell University Press, Ithaca-London 1989.
14. A. Huxley, Collected Essays, Harper, New York 1959.
15. D.M. Marchi, Montaigne among the Moderns: Reception of the „Essais”, Berghahn Books Providence, Oxford 1994.
16. C. Obaldia, de The Essay is tic Spirit. Literature, Modem Criticism and the Essay, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1995.
17. J. O’Neill, Essaiyng Montaigne. A Study of the Renaissance Institution of Writing and Reading, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1982.
18. B. Pascal, Myśli, przeł. T. Boy-Żeleński, Warszawa 1997.
19. W. Pawłowski, Michel de Montaigne - wyznanie. Esej o kondycji eseisty, „Więź” 1984 nr 10.
20. R.L. Regosin, Montaigne’s Unruly Brood. Textual Engendering an the Challenge to Paternal Authority, University California Press, Berkeley 1996.
21. R.L. Regosin, Recent Trends in Montaigne Scholarship: A Post-Structuralist Perspective, „Renaissance Quarterly” 1984, s. 37.
22. L. Rohner, Der Deutsche Essay: Materialien zur Geschichte und Ästhetik einer literarischen Gattung, Luchterhand, Neuwied-Berlin 1966.
23. R. Scholes, C.H. Klaus, Elements of the Essay, Oxford University Press, New York-London-Toronto 1969.
24. P.M. Schon, Vorformen des Essays in Antike und Humanismus: Ein Beitrag zur Entstehungsgeschichte der „Essais” von Montaigne, Franz Steiner, Wiesbaden l954.
25. J. Starobinsky, Montaigne on Movement, Gallimard, Paris 1993.
26. F. Strowski, Montaigne, Félix Alcan, Paris l906.
27. T. Todorov, L’Etre et L’Autre: Montaigne, „Yale French Studies” 1982 no. 64.
28. A. Tournon, Self-Interpretation in Montaigne’s „Essais”, „Yale French Studies” 1982 no. 64.
29. P. Villey, Les sources et l’évolution des „Essais” de Montaigne, Hachette, Paris 1908.


Teksty Drugie



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oai:rcin.org.pl:52404 ; 0867-0633


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Copyright-protected material. May be used within the limits of statutory user freedoms

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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS

Projects co-financed by:

Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund



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