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Kwartalnik Historyczny R. 121 (2014), Special Issue
Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Da Silva Horta J. „A Representação do Africano na literatura de Viagens, do Senegal à Serra Leoa (1453–1508)”. 1991. Mare Liberum 2: 209–338.
Feinberg H. 1989. Africans and Europeans in West Africa: Elminas and Dutchmen on the Gold Coast during the Eighteenth Century. Philadelphia : Press.
Tymowski Michał. 2010. „Europeans and Africans in the Early Period of Portuguese Expansion in Africa — the Organization and Course of the First Encounters”. Hemispheres 25 : 95–122.
Tymowski Michał. 2014. „Kobiety w czasie wczesnych wypraw portugalskich do Afryki Zachodniej”. Kwartalnik Historyczny 3: 501–520.
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Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of History PAS
Sep 22, 2023
Nov 26, 2014
Edition name | Date |
Tymowski, Michał (1941- ), Women during the early Portuguese expeditions to West Africa | Sep 22, 2023 |
Tymowski, Michał (1941– )
Tymowski, Michał (1941– )
Tymowski, Michał (1941– )
Tymowski, Michał (1941– )
Tymowski, Michał (1941– )
Tymowski, Michał (1941– )
Tymowski, Michał (1941– )